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How Abby Shapiro (and Porn) Saved My Marriage

Writer: bartlebybartleby

Despite what the headline suggests, neither Abby Shapiro nor porn saved my marriage. Thankfully, my marriage needs no saving, but we'll get to that later (or if you're lazy you can jump to that section now by clicking here).

NO, unfortunately for you, my dear reader, you have fallen victim to a tactic that HIGH IQ bloggers (like me) use to trick people into clicking links. We call it click bait and it is incredibly effective! How else am I supposed to grab your attention and talk to you about how the Trump administration is, almost daily, exposing the biggest heist in the history of mankind.

Because make no mistake the government has been stealing YOUR fucking money while looking you dead in eyes with a big shit-eating grin on their face.

The worst part is that it's been mostly legal. USAID (or was depending on the outcome of a few court cases) is a legal government entity that was allocated about $30 Billion of YOUR money. USAID's goal, according to its now defunct website was to "partner to end extreme poverty and promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing our security and prosperity".

"THOSE SOUND LIKE GOOD THINGS! HOW COULD YOU BE AGAINST THOSE THINGS?! REEEEEEEEE!" The libtard media has wailed. Yeah, sure, whatever, some of those goals are noble and some of USAID's grants have helped America maintain world order through soft power . . . in theory, at least. What DOGE has uncovered in the past couple of weeks is that, in practice, USAID (and other agencies) was mostly funding NGOs that were NOT trying to end poverty or promote democratic societies. Instead, they were funneling money to organizations or projects to promote Americanized Marxism, including, $1.5 million to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities”, $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia, $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala. USAID was also one of the biggest funding sources for left-wing media in the world, giving millions of YOUR fucking money to outlets attempting to psyop Hungarians and Pollacks (among others) into voting for their respective progressive parties.

And that graft is just the tip of the iceberg. EPA administrator, Lee Zeldin, announced on Wednesday evening that he had located $20 Billion allocated under Biden's so-called Inflation Reduction Act (that was little more than a modified Green New Deal) that his predecessor had parked at banks to fund climate NGOs. The only reason we even knew about this scheme is because, months prior, a homosexual openly bragged about it to an undercover Project Veritas journalist he was presumably trying to sodomize (or be sodomized by):

And just like that . . . $20 billion targeted to fund liberal activists goes **poof** all because this gay dude was lonely and hurtin' for a squirtin'. Thank the lord for the male libido, it can always be counted on to fuck up a good plan.

Then there is the $60 million FEMA had sent to New York to house illegal aliens in hotels. That money is in addition to the $1 Billion of YOUR FUCKING MONEY that was spent to provide shelter and services to illegal aliens in 2023-2024 with at least $640 million coming from FEMA's Emergency Food and Shelter Program.

There is so much more I could delve into (go follow @oilfield_rando, he's the best source for this stuff), but I think the point has been made clear. The regime has been using your money to fund your own demise. They are using your tax dollars to import illegals. They are using your tax dollars to fund propaganda to confuse you and your children. They are using your tax dollars to make sure women's studies majors have six-figure jobs at NGOs and universities so that they can continue to purchase wine, adopt cats, and ruin your fucking life. Whether you knew it or not and whether you like it or not, you have been funding this.

We always knew that fraud and waste was rampant in government, but it's another thing to actually see it laid out before us. Trump, Musk, and the rest of the administration are trying to stop it. At a minimum, they are bringing it to light so that the public can determine for themselves if this is what they've been voting for. At a minimum, they are dismantling enough of the systemic left-wing patronage system that it will take years for them to recover.

The media will try and convince you that Trump is "killing people" by cutting off aid in Africa and that we're in the midst of a "constitutional crisis" because of process questions. If they succeed in convincing the American people that eradicating the theft of their money is an unjust cause, then we are truly doomed. We never get another chance to save ourselves. Trump is emboldened, popular and on the war path. Elon is autistic and motivated to eliminate fraud, waste, and upend the bureaucratic state.

The stars have aligned. This is our opportunity. THIS is the hill to die on.


Now. . . Let's Talk About Porn

That's what this blog supposed to be about, right? Abby Shapiro and porn. To be clear, I this is not about Abby Shapiro porn, which does not exist. Actually, just leave Abby alone, she gets enough shit from people any time she posts on social media - which is why keen observers will notice that I almost never mention her on X or in this blog anymore. She's a nice woman and doesn't deserve the onslaught of "milkers, milkers, milkers" comments in her replies.

The premise of this blog did, however, stem from a post she recently made on X. Abby was responding to a viral tweet about banning porn and another about how porn would vanish if wives "lost weight" and became their husband's "personal porn star". To wit, Abby commented:

No, no, no, that's just a joke. She did say that, but years ago. I took that clip out of context. I shouldn't have done that. Here's what Abby really said:

She's right and (and refreshingly normal) about almost everything she wrote.

Yes, when you marry someone, you are making a tacit promise that you will TRY to maintain the sexual attractiveness that led them to join this union. Likewise, if you marry someone, you are promising that you will bang them and only them on a regular basis - albeit with some understanding that the frequency may waver and likely decline as you become old, and your dick stops working. And I appreciate that Abby recognizes that husbands and wives should be intimate in "fun and engaging ways". That's called "hotel sex" and it's special because you don't have to worry about cleaning up afterwards!

She's also right about the "dangers of porn for men" but I think she somewhat misunderstands the relationship that the vast majority of men have with porn. The vast majority of men who watch porn do not do so excessively. Nor do the vast majority men desire to act out scenarios from the porn they do watch. The vast majority of men can, for lack of a better term, handle their porn.

Your average American male watches porn to facilitate sexual release and then moves on with his day. He does not watch insanely degrading acts (relative to porn at least) that are often used by people to make their arguments. He does not desire to engage in upside down, hanging from the ceiling, intercourse with his significant other. He does not watch porn as an act of infidelity. Your average American male knows porn is fake and only exists as a means to a (happy) end. Because of this, your average American male would never want his wife to be his "personal porn star" because your average American male loves his wife, does not view her as disposable and has no desire to treat her that way.

She's the mother of his children, for fuck's sake.

Yes, porn is gross, but it's also not new. Men have been spankin' it to women for time immemorial. Cro-Magons were cro-cranking their hogs to cave drawings of big tiddy Flintstone Floozies. Men are horny beings. Women are less horny beings. Women are the saucer that cools the male libido, which, left unrestrained, would lead to our downfall. We are God's creations, paired together perfectly. Put another way, if women WERE as horny as men, do you think we'd have ever built civilizations? No, we'd still be living in huts, banging each other into extinction.

I say all of this to try to explain that . . . sometimes, your average American male, just needs to get the poison out and porn is the vehicle by which that occurs. That's not intended to be an insult to or as replacement for his wife, it's a reflection of his understanding that the woman in his life does not exist merely as moist warm hole designated for his sexual gratification. Your average American male understands that his average wife or girlfriend sometimes "has a headache' or is "menstruating" or "feels gross" or "just ate Chipotle" and needs to take matters into his own hands for his own mental and physical well-being. That's all.

There are moral arguments against what I've just written, but as an average American male, I share with nothing more than the truth, ugly or not.

Now, this is not to say that porn is not dangerous. Porn, like most everything else, becomes toxic when consumed to excess. Porn has become omnipresent. It didn't used to be that way. Young men used to have to use their imaginations or find a sears lingerie catalog to indulge in their dolphin flogging pursuits. These days the most impressionable of young minds can watch two midgets peg each other from anywhere on earth, at any time, all from the palm of their hand. That's how an average American male strays from his path and becomes a degenerate gooner.

That's where this discussion and where our efforts should be targeted - young men who have grown up immersed in aggressive porn culture. These bucks have been led astray, with some believing that real life sex must imitate the porn they consume - which is now steeped in a spiral degradation that shocks the senses of an average American male in his mid-to-late thirties. That's the true danger of porn - inexperienced young men developing an addiction, fueled by bestial content that subverts reality, leads them down a path of never-ending barbaric kink and appetites that cannot be satiated by normal sex with normal women.

Those are not average American males; these men cannot handle their porn.

If we want to avoid having these misguided porn-brained become the average American male, we need to raise healthy average American males. Be a parent. Talk to your kids. Establish rules and enforce them. No cellphones until high school. Monitor what they watch. Correct bad behavior. Raise your kids to have your values and accept nothing less. That's the best antidote to this issue.

So . . . yeah, we did the whole porn discussion thing. It wasn't pretty, but hopefully it was an enlightening look at this issue from a perspective that nobody online ever considers - normal people. Thank you, Abby Shapiro.

Happy Friday. God bless you and God Bless America.

2 comentários

27 de fev.

This article offers a candid and often humorous take on the complexities of marriage, pornography, and the societal pressures surrounding them. While acknowledging the reality of male behavior, it emphasizes the importance of open discussions, personal responsibility, and maintaining healthy relationships to address modern challenges like the overconsumption of pornography. Thought-provoking, if controversial, perspectives are shared, all while stressing the significance of values and parenthood in shaping future generations.


Patrick Junior
Patrick Junior
14 de fev.

Other than Thomas Massie, everyone in DC should be sent to Gitmo. That's my compromised position for the grand larceny of the American Treasury.

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