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Serious Matters & Unfolding Trends - 10.11.24

It’s news. It’s sports. It’s commentary on weird shit from around the internet.

It’s Serious Matters & Unfolding Trends, our weekly digest of curated links designed to keep you abreast of very important news!


Serious Matters & Unfolding Trends!

Lana Del Rey Big Boobs

Hand up, I've never known how or why Lana Del Rey became part of right-wing discourse. Del Rey's ascendency corresponded with a busy time in my life (school/marriage/kids), so I am unfamiliar with her music and the foundations of her icon status. I may end up regretting this endeavor (because I'll likely miss a key point and upset people who view me as an interloper) but given the Serious Matter of recent her nuptials I figured I'd take this opportunity to educate myself and you on the Unfolding Trend of Lana Del Rey's cultural significance among those right of center.

When I asked some of my mutuals to explain the Lana Del Rey meta, they pointed me to writer Dr. Benjamin Braddock, PhD, who apparently is viewed as an expert of sorts on this topic. Braddock wrote a piece for IM—1776, where he serves as Editor-at-Large, entitled Lana, in which he recalls attending Del Rey's debut concert at the Bowery Ballroom in Manhattan back in 2011:

Braddock then goes on to explain how LDR's career and art followed a trajectory similar to that of many right-leaning millennials during the 2010s. She still believed in what remained of the allure of the America she grew up loving. She moved to L.A., the land of dreams, then watched it rot from ruinous policy and riots rooted in "compassionate progressivism." It was there she wrote Norman Fucking Rockwell, which earned her a Grammy nomination for album of the year. The album, according to Braddock, was about the struggle of reconciling a desire to keep the party going while longing to nourish a family all while the age of 30 loomed over you like the sword of Damocles.

As if Del Rey hadn't already captured the attention of this crowd, she was a rare voice of dissent to regime narratives during the upheaval of 2020. She left L.A. and released an album titled Chemtrails Over the Country Club on the anniversary of Newsom's oppressive and fascistic lockdowns. She initially showed curiosity for the motivations of Jan. 6 rioters, rather than condemnation. She dated a cop in Oklahoma. She worked a shift at Waffle House in Florence, Alabama. This made her a target for libtard journos, who started referring to her actions as "controversial", "problematic", "anti-feminist" and "racist".

Lana Del Rey Big Boobs

Del Rey is beautiful (sexy), feminine, and catholic and sings romantically about a version of America that was sold to us as teens and young adults. Del Rey dresses like a woman - sometimes like the idyllic girl next door, sometimes like the wife you one day hoped she become. Yet, her music doesn't come from the POV of a repressed 60's housewife. Her lyrics feel very millennial - like they could've been written by the coarse-mouthed girl you dated in college, who met you in the alley after class to rip cigs and watched Entourage with you on Sunday nights while drinking box wine. The girl you should've married (luckily, I did) but both of you decided you were "too young" to settle down - which you've regretted ever since.

Essentially, Lana Del Rey represents what "The Culture" has spent a decade trying to erase and recontextualize as "bad". This can perhaps be highlighted best by lyrics she penned for her 2012 song, Ride, where Del Rey dared to embrace an America that "used to be" and that we've since been told was irrevocably "not ok":

“I believe in the country America used to be

I believe in the person I want to become

I believe in the freedom of the open road

And my motto is the same as ever

"I believe in the kindness of strangers"

With one foot inside the mainstream and the other firmly planted as an outsider, LDR stands as a rare pop music voice with roots in counterculture. Unfortunately, "counterculture" in this context means a "sexy, gritty, fly-over country champion for a vision of America that we lost along the way".

How lamentable.

Lana Del Rey Big Boobs

Admittedly, this is abbreviated and I'm sure I might have left some things out or misconstrued them altogether. (I welcome your input to fill in the gaps). But, after reading Braddock's piece and listening to Lana's music, I can at least place her import to RW subculture. Some of the adoration and dot-connecting might be a projection onto Lana, but I get it. She's cool. Great voice. Pretty based.

Anyways, last week she married Jeremy Dufrene, a dude from Louisiana who gives alligator tour rides on his swamp boat.

Lana Del Rey Big Boobs

They look happy. I wish them nothing but the same. Hope you enjoyed this journey with me. I encourage you to go read Braddock's full piece, it's good.

Uhhhh, yes, I DO wonder if twin sisters who marry twin brothers swap hubbies. I've written about this before and believe this is why weirdo twins (possibly satanic) choose to complicate their lives by marrying other weirdo twins.

Why else would you do this? Why would you confuse your kids by having two mommies and two daddies who look exactly alike? Why would you force your neighbors to constantly guess which combination of husband/wife/sister-in-law/brother-in-law they're greeting as they walk their dog? Why introduce such uncertainty and chaos into gift exchanges at the family Christmas party? They all even share an Instagram account! That's weird!

To me, I believe twins marry twins as part of their not-so-clever strategy to behave like soulless swinging degenerates under the pretext of accidental insertion.

Sorry, I performed oral sex on you to completion, Kirk! I thought you were your identical brother, Karl, who is my husband. Please don't tell your wife, Jen, who is my identical sister and who is not heels up next door with my husband, and your identical brother, Karl! THAT WOULD TEAR THIS FAMILY APART! :-)~~~

How would these couples even determine the paternity of the children? They have identical DNA! This is sick! So, yeah, I am skeptical about this whole operation, you silly, sexy, Tempting Twin-Powered Trollops! And I'm not a troll, I'm a journalist investigating Serious Matters & Unfolding Trends!

PRODUCT REVIEW: I bought the Sydney Sweeney body wash

This is the first (and perhaps only) time I will review any products for this blog, but after seeing Sydney Sweeney hock this body wash on social media, I felt like the public deserved an honest accounting of its value. I am NOT a pervert, but I know that some people out there ARE perverts, and they should know if they are being taken advantage of by very seductive marketing ploys.

To conduct this review, I purchased (this is NOT a paid advertisement, though I wish it was) the "Fragrant Falls" scent, one of FOUR different body wash scents available for purchase - including "Pine Tar", which sounds like something I want to keep away from my "bat". Dr. Squatch says this product is "all-natural" and free of sulfates, parabens, and phthalates, which, cool, I suppose? Those all sound bad and phthalates are known to potentially cause birth defects, so thanks, Dr. S!

MY REVIEW: It's (fairly expensive) scented soap. Dr. Squatch Body Wash performs its assignment admirably. I'm not sure what "Fragrant Falls" are supposed to smell like, but the Dr. Squatch version smells eerily similar to the standard blue label Old Spice or Speed Stick from back in the day. If you squirt some of it on a loofah and then use it to scrub your butthole, you will leave your shower with a clean and fresh-smelling anus. The container says it provides "all-day moisturization" but I have naturally oily gindaloon skin, so I cannot attest to the merits of this claim.

Here is what I can tell you that Dr. Squatch WILL NOT do:

  • it will NOT magically manifest Sydney Sweeney dressed as a sexy genie in your bathroom, no matter how long or how hard you rub the . . . container;

  • it will NOT increase the size of male genitalia (perhaps one of the ladies in our audience test this on female human breasts and report back their results);

  • it will NOT remind you of Sydney Sweeney when you drink it (though, I only consumed a small amount); and

  • it will NOT make your wife think highly of you - when my wife opened the package she laughed audibly, brought the body wash into the living room, and asked me if I purchased the "Sydney Sweeney Body Wash" before shaking her head disapprovingly and tossing it at my feet as she walked away (apparently, she has Instagram).

In short, Dr. Squatch body wash is a worthwhile purchase if you like the smell of traditional masculine soaps and aren't opposed to spending extra for a premium product made from natural ingredients. I am not susceptible to traditional marketing ploys, but the Sydney Sweeney angle did convince me to purchase some and use it for content to entertain you on this blog. You're welcome.


News! News! News!

Kamala Harris x Howard Stern: the interview

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I am ashamed to admit this, but I grew up a BIG fan of Howard Stern. I'd go as far as to say that my sense of humor was modeled by listening to The Howard Stern Show. At one point in the 90's, nobody took the piss out of so-called "elites" better than Howard Stern. That's why so many blue-collared men revered him and made him one of the most powerful voices in media (and lavishly wealthy along the way). Stern was, at that time, one of only a few media figures who stood up against government censorship and openly mocked PC culture for its tortured nature and frivolousness. He was what many consider Dave Portnoy, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, or Kirk Minihane to be today - someone who says the things that many people think but are not allowed to say out loud.

Then something happened around 2009 - Stern curbed most of his "shock jock" antics and focused on interviewing elites on the rare occasion he wasn't on vacation. People liked these interviews (though, I was never that impressed), so Stern leaned into them. I think he viewed this as a way to transition out of his wild persona and into a second chapter of his career.

I tuned out right around this point and am glad I did because what followed was the most embarrassing heel turns we've seen in media. Stern became the very thing he used to mock - a vain, humorless, self-obsessive rich woke asshole. Given his desire for acceptance among the people he used to mock, Stern apologized for having Donald Trump on his show countless times throughout the years. Even worse, he turned his back on the blue-collar audience who made him a billionaire, telling those who voted for Donald Trump that he "hates" them on several occasions and another that he wished that they'd "drop dead" from COVID.

Perhaps the most telling part of Stern's transformation into an old, liberal, lesbian is that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and, just this week, Kamala Harris agreed to appear on his show. In 2005, such a thought would've been preposterous - Stern couldn't get Gwen Paltrow to appear on his show, let alone the Democrat nominee for President thirty days out from an election. But this Stern can and did because the DNC knows he will perform figurative fellatio on any figure popular among progressive elites. And . . . that's what he did for Kamala on Tuesday:

Stern was so nauseatingly praiseful during this hour-long interview that I think it made even Kamala Harris uncomfortable. Stern talked, way more than she did and the questions he asked were painfully cringeworthy, like when he started the interview off by asking her if "she naps". He then admitted that he was "nervous" about the interview because he "wanted it to go well for her" before sharing that he hates people, like Maya Rudolph on SNL, making fun of her. He then attacked Trump on everything from turning down a 60-minute interview to "eliminating gay rights" and also suggested Harris should leave the country if Trump wins because SCOTUS made it legal for Trump to assassinate her.

Stern finished the interview with an unprompted soliloquy, pontificating that “what keeps [him] up at night” is trying to “understand how [his] fellow Americans” don’t support Harris since “this election” shouldn’t be “close”. He then urged people who disagree with him to "not vote" because, something, something, Putin.

I do not know how many people still listen to Howard Stern these days, but I can't imagine it's anywhere near the type of audience he once had or the ones that currently tune into Joe Rogan or Call Her Daddy (where Harris also appeared). If working-class men still tune into Stern and are convinced to vote for Kamala Harris based on this, quite literally, insane one-sided interview, then more power to them. If I had to guess, however, most of those men abandoned Stern long ago when they realized what I realized long ago - Stern lived long enough to become the villain, or in this case, became a self-righteous libtard scold who is no longer tethered to the same reality of the audience who made him rich.

What a fucking disgrace.

The Penguin on HBO: is pretty good.

I was a bigger fan than most of Matthew Reeves' The Batman when it came out in 2022. No, it wasn't perfect, but it was cool to see someone try and tell a detective Batman story. Robert Pattinson was surprisingly beefy and badass as the caped crusader, though his portrayal of Bruce Wayne was too emo for some (not me).

When I left the theater, a friend asked me, what my thoughts were on Colin Farrell's performance in the movie - I looked at him dumbfounded. When he told me that Farrell had played The Penguin, a character who has about 5 or so minutes of screen time in the whole film, I thought he was joking. But no, that was Colin Farrell in The Batman, a role he has reprised for the aptly named limited-run series on HBO The Penguin.

The show, which is being run by Lauren LeFranc, is focused on the aftermath of the events that took place in The Batman. Carmine Falcone's death has created a power vacuum in Gotham's underworld and our protagonist, Oswald Cobb, seeks to fill it with his deformed club foot! Only three episodes have been released, but thus far, I am a fan. The show captures the reality-based surrealism of Matt Reeves' universe and the writing, character development and production values are all way above average.

Colin Farrell is the real needle mover for this show, though. He is unrecognizable under hours and hours of plaster and latex. His accent is undetectable. His gait looks painful. His portrayal of the character is equal parts terrifying and heartbreaking. Reeves and LeFranc's version of The Penguin didn't come from money, he came from nothing, has a dementia-riddled Lady McBeth of a mother, and a soft spot for a Dominican kid with a stutter. Oz Cobb appears pathetic, scarred, crippled and dumb, but as viewers, we learn he's far from it. Farrell is so good in this role that it makes you wonder why he wasn't given more to do in the film. It also makes you wonder how they got an actor of his considerable talent and good looks to hide himself behind the makeup.

Similarly eye-catching on this show is Cristin Milioti (the mother on How I Met Your Mother), who plays Sophia, the psychotic daughter of Carmine Falcone. Milioti's ability to play deranged and intimidating, while only being like 5'2, 110 lbs is impressive. She's also very cute. Milioti has porcelain skin, brown hair, and big brown eyes - a "Snow White" look that's always kind of "done it" for me. I like her.

The only thing that gives me pause about this series is that it's not a story that needed to be set in the Batman Universe. This show would've been good even if it had not been based in Gotham and its lead protagonist named something other than The Penguin. For some reason that's distracting to me. I kind of wish the showrunners had created a new IP rather than basing it on a pre-existing one that's barely even there. Maybe Gotham and its characters play a bigger role later in the series, we'll see.

It's worth watching, though - so far, very good!

The one where Robert Stacey McCain shares one of the wildest fucking stories I've ever read on the internet:

"Say hello to Joseph Nathan Ryan, “a Springfield, Va., resident who lived with his grandmother and a small dog,” according to the Washington Post, until one day in February 2023, when he was shot to death as “part of an elaborate ruse that lured a man interested in sexual fetishes” to the home of a married couple “in a well-to-do suburb of the nation’s capital . . . ."

Ok, you need to go read this entire story, but I'm going to try and summarize as quickly as I can here - Joseph goes on FetLife (a BDSM website) and meets "Christine" who tells Joseph to come and have kinky sex with her while holding a knife to her throat. Except . . . "Christine" isn't really Christine. The "Christine" account, using Christine's photos, is actually run by Brendan, Christine's husband, and their 23-year-old Brazilian au pair, Juliana (who is, of course, fucking Brendan, who is an lRS agent(?)).

Somehow, Christine and Joseph end up dead. Brendan alleges he walked into his marital bedroom and found Joseph standing over naked, stabbed and dead, Christine, so Brendan shot him to death "in self-defense". I used quotes there because Brendan and Juliana (who were fucking) have been charged in the deaths of Christine and Joseph. Prosecutors allege that Brendan and Juliana (who were fucking) used the BDSM account to lure Joseph to the house for kinky knife sex so that they could kill him "in self-defense", blame him for Christine's death, and then run away together. I assume that they had already killed Christine before Joseph's arrival and then shot him to stage this as an act of self-defense.

Got all that? WOW, what a fucking story. BIG IF TRUE!!! Fellas, don't fuck your Brazilian au-pair, don't cheat on your wife, and certainly do not kill your wife to run away with the Brazilian au-pair that you should not be fucking in the first place!

Odds and ends


Sports! Sports! Sports!

TNF: 49ers stop losing winnable game; top Seahawks 36-24

The Niners weren't perfect last night, but they certainly looked more like the team that has played in 4 out of the last 5 NFC Title games than the bucket of bleghhhh they've played like in the first month of this season. San Fran thoroughly outplayed Seattle in this game, outgaining nearly 100 yards, won the turnover battle 3-0, and controlled the ball for 7 minutes more than the Seahawks.

When Seattle crept their way back into the game in the fourth, Geno Smith threw an ugly pick, and Flappr All-American Boy, Brock Purdy, made them pay - throwing his third touchdown of the game. Purdy owns the Seahawks, he's now 4-0 against the CHAZ (remember that?!) with 8 TDs, 2 INTs and a career 114.3 QB rating.

The Niners are now back to .500 (3-3) and are tied for first in the NFC West going into the week. Yet, the biggest win of the evening might have been love - the love shared between a man and his Supportive Significant Other (SSO). After scoring a 4th quarter TD (his second of the game), Niners TE, George Kittle, and his teammate, Kyle Juszczyk ran out the back of the endzone and jumped into the stands to celebrate with their wives, Claire and Kristin.

We wrote about Claire and Kristin's dedication to their husband last season. They show up to games. They design custom apparel. They celebrate their men. They are true SSOs and if you think that the love and support they showed for these men didn't impact the outcome of this game . . . well you're just fucking dumb.

Number of 49ers who celebrated TDs with their SSOs - 2.

Number of Seahawks who celebrated TDs with their SSOs - 0.

I rest my case. Love wins. God bless beautiful SSOs.

NFL Week 5: Reviewed by Flappr


This notable Caucasian became the first melanin-deficient cornerback to intercept a pass since Troy Apke in 2019! This guy is a winner! The type of football player you'd want your daughter to bring home! Moss has a LOT of heart and gets the most out of his abilities! This Des Moines, Iowa native also has a great white guy name "Riley Moss" - our Caucasian of the Week!"

Those are quotes from me in this week's BIG TDs Football Blog! See what you're missing out on? CLICK THE LINK, read what I had to say about your favorite team, and stay for the custom gifs, highlights, and my weekly meltdowns over the Bears! PLUS, by clicking that link you'll make me happy and that's worth something, right?

Hockey: is back.

HAHAHA, look at that dipshit slash the ref by accident! I love hockey! I'm not going to write about it as much as I write about the NFL (because I can barely get anyone to click on football blogs), but I do plan choosing a highlight or two each week to feature in this blog.

I hope that I'll convert a few of you to start watching the best sport on earth. The speed and skill we're seeing in the NHL these days are like nothing I've ever seen before, so now's a great time to start watching the game!

On Tuesday, my Chicago Blackhawks opened their season against the . . . Utah Hockey Club, which used to be the Phoenix Coyotes, who used to be the Winnipeg Jets, which is a team that currently exists, but went defunct until the Thrashers, who were in Atlanta, picked up and moved to Winnipeg and renamed the team the Jets after the team that moved to Phoenix . . . and you get the idea.

Anyways, the Blackhawks, who weren't named after any Indian tribe and used to spell their name, Black Hawks, fucking lost to the "Hockey Club" on opening night and we're probably going to suck again this despite having Connor Bedard who is only 19 and is amazing.

The Blackhawks cannot score goals (scored the fewest since 2009 last year) and didn't add any elite scoring talent in the offseason. Fucking wankers. Moving on.

The seasons are changing, and the Summer of Bill has become the Fall of Bill, but hopefully not the fall of Bill . . . who might be in love with his eGirl girlfriend. I cannot come to any other conclusion after his 23-year-old lady friend, Jordon, posted that photo of them enjoying a Nantucket sunset together. Let's be honest, they're probably even having sex with each other. But that's not what concerns me . . . it's what he's wearing.

Look at the photo again - he's wearing a Taylor Swift Eras Tour sweatshirt. Now check the collar of that sweatshirt - it's wrinkled and ripped. That's BB's signature thing, he wears sweatshirts that are so disheveled that they would make a homeless man blush. That means that Bill is wearing that Swiftie Sweatshirt A LOT. She probably bought it for him, and he wears it because he thinks about her when he does - very lovey-dovey shit. This begs the question - will Bill Belichick ever return to an NFL sideline, or has he become so c*m drunk over this college co-ed that his coaching days are over? Heh, well, that's what he WANTS YOU TO THINK!

In reality, based upon nothing other than my imagination, that photo of Belichick is step one in a very complex plan to win his next Super Bowl. Confused? Bear with me. You see, Belichick knows that no matter where he coaches next, he will need to take down the Kansas City Chiefs. Who is the best pass catcher on the Chiefs? Travis Kelce, of course. Who is Travis Kelce dating? Taylor Swift.

Are you connecting the dots yet? No? Ok, I'll continue explaining what I think is fairly obvious. BB allowed Jordon to post that photo on Instagram, knowing it would go viral and attract Swift's attention. Belichick then proceeded to "neg" Swift during the Manning Cast for MNF, audibly "groaning" when she appeared on the screen. This is all part of Bill Belichick's plan to save America by seducing Taylor Swift, impregnating her with his seed, and publicly cucking Travis Kelce.

The result will find Kelce humiliated, potentially retiring - ruining the Chiefs offense and making it much easier for him to win his next Super Bowl with the Chicago Bears and their noted heterosexual QB, Caleb Williams. A pregnant Taylor Swift will inspire millions of deranged AWFLs to find masculine men to marry and start families with, leading to a baby boom and harmony among the sexes and political factions currently tearing America apart.

America will be saved, and the Bears will win the Super Bowl, all because of a little sweatshirt Bill Belichick wore in a social media post in the fall of 2024. Don't act like you're not impressed. Dear, Lord, people are such sheep today.

We must investigate the literalness of this BSO headline (for journalistic purposes):

Eh, not really a literal BSO headline. Sure, that's "Volleyball Star Kayla Simmons" and the caption on her Instagram post indicates that she was celebrating her birthday, but she wasn't "Nearly Showing Off Her Nips In A Tiny Crop Top". The photo is from behind, so unless Kayla's nipple and or areola are horribly disfigured and stretched across the circumference of her left bosom, there was no nip nearly being shown off. And buddy, I'd bet that left nip is anything but disfigured.

This is not a literal BSO headline, this was clickbait misinformation!

What a terrible display for Kayla's first appearance in Serious Matters & Unfolding Trends. This makes me very sad. I feel like we've let her down, ON HER BIRTHDAY, no less! I must rectify this by calling back to one of Kayla's best moments from T I T S (coincidental acronym).

Ah, yes, who could forget the time Kayla powered through a torn ACL to post A+ content of her swimming with sharks. Yes, coach, she is a gritty grinder with gorgeous glands! Now let's hope the inappropriate horny men in her Instagram comments brought some heat so we can close this out in style.

Right out the gate, boomer reply guy @nickycee69, dropped "How are you and your GF 👯 doing in old Par-ree girly lover 😂 #bi😮" in reference to a video Kayla posted of herself dancing with a friend in Paris. I'm almost speechless at the perfect inappropriateness of this comment. I especially love how he tried to phonetically spell the French pronunciation of Paris. The addition #bi to help drive home his already clear insinuation that Kayla was having sex with her friend really elevates the absurdity of his comment. 10/10 amazing work.

Inquisitive Indian, @milind3459 stayed on brand with "Hi kaylasimmmons gorgeous pic & beautiful smile ❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍" . The Indian dudes do seem to enjoy their emojis, don't they? I feel like emojis are only used for reactions and/or ironically these days. Does that track with you?

Finally, @stevenbath7 dropped "Wow, I missed your birthday, you get more gorgeous with time❤️" which is so familiar that I almost think he might know her in real life. If he doesn't it's so very creepy for him to say "Wow, I missed your birthday" like he should've remembered which day a total stranger who posts sexy photos on Instagram was born. But, men are odd creatures like that.


Meme of the Week!

This week's top honor goes to legendary memesmith @grandoldmemes, for the well-earned savagery he heaped upon Kamala Harris and CBS News. If you were not aware, 60 Minutes hosted Kamala Harris for an interview on Monday night. In the interview, 60 Minutes correspondent Bill Whitaker asked Harris a few difficult questions and exposed her vapidness with a few additional follow-ups to her typical word salad responses. This was not as soft of an interview as we typically see for Dems, but the media still had to perform cleanup for the Democratic nominee and did so in the most outrageous way possible - by editing her answer.

On Sunday, CBS News posted a promotional clip from the interview on Face the Nation. In that video, Whitaker asks Kamala why Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t listening to the United States and Harris responds with garble-mouth word salad. She was mocked for her response, prompting the DNC or CBS News (same thing, tbh) to use an edited version of the same response during the actual broadcast of the 60 Minutes interview a day later:

Both responses are pretty incoherent, but the edited version is shorter and a tad less embarrassing. More importantly, this edit raises some important questions, like the question of who decided to edit her answer, why CBS News edited her answer, and what else CBS News may have edited in that interview to help Harris look good. CBS News, has not, of course, explained its decision.

This is a scandal and one that should come with consequences for the 60 Minutes brand, but won't because the corporate media is responsible for policing itself and only seems to care about ethics when it comes to a cute reporter having hot FaceTime Sex with RFK, Jr. It also helps explain why Donald Trump refused to sit down for an interview with 60 Minutes, which would not have treated him as graciously in the editing room as they did with Kamabla. A prudent move considering Trump's experience with Leslie Stahl back in 2020.

Looping us back to the meme of the week, @grandoldmemes' side-by-side of Harris perfectly captured the bias and framing of our corporate media. This is the essence of a great meme - the ability to convey a very specific message and tell a story with images and few words. I asked @grandoldmemes to provide a comment on his win this week and here's what he shared with me for publication:

So true, King. So true.


Flappr Haute Coutre Merch of the Week

Sometimes people ask me how they can contribute to the Flappr Project, and I always tell them that all we want is for them to consume and share our content to help us grow. That remains all that I want - I just want this stupid blog and our stupid videos to find a larger audience because I believe both the blog and our videos are anything but stupid. I think they're unique and very good. So please continue to spread the word for us!

Now, I've never charged for anything and have generally held the position that I don't want YOUR money (though I will take money from Outkick, The Blaze, etc.). That being said, if you would like to contribute financially you can purchase some of the merch I design and make available for sale on

Whatever money is made from your generosity goes to fund one of two things:

1) charitable donations; or

2) merch giveaways to members

We've donated to Ronald McDonald House, the Barstool Fund, and mostly to GoFundMe requests posted by members of this community. The rest of the money has been used to fund free merch giveaways to others in our orbit. That's it.

So, if you feel like being generous, you can go purchase something from, like the stunning Crusader's Call T-Shirt shown above or the very aesthetically pleasing "Stingers" shirt shown below.

Thank you for your time.


Some Flappr Blogs!


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