It’s news. It’s sports. It’s commentary on weird shit from around the internet.
It’s Serious Matters & Unfolding Trends, our weekly digest of curated links designed to keep you abreast of very important news!
Editor's Note: Please do not search for "Nancy Mace Boobs", "Boebert Boobs", "AOC Gazongas" or "other words for boobs". Thank you for your consideration.
Serious Matters & Unfolding Trends!
A Quick Word!
This is the FINAL edition of S M & U T for 2024!
This is ALSO the FINAL edition of S M & U T for the foreseeable future.

I am taking a break from regular blogging, so I won't be publishing Serious Matters & Unfolding Trends on Fridays anymore. To the regular readers of this blog, I love you all. Please don't be mad at me. Please reach out via DM and I'll shower you with euphemisms for boobs. This wasn't something I had planned, but the thought popped into my head earlier this week and very suddenly made too much sense to ignore.
Now, please don't get all weepy on me. I'm not retiring from making content, but I've come to accept something that I've known for far too long but ignored - this blog makes no sense. Not in the context of "yeah, this blog is bizarre and esoteric satire" kind of way, but in the "blogging is dying" sense. I don't know many people who read these days and those that do, don't read S M & U T style humorous content. My friends, who I talk to regularly online each week, don't read my content - even when some of them are featured in the blog. I've never taken that as an insult, I saw it as a giant blinking red light but chose to ignore it because I was having fun being creative.
I still do enjoy being creative, but being creative on a self-imposed deadline has started to weigh on me. Serious Matters & Unfolding Trends (like Tremendously Intriguing Topical Subjects before it) is, basically, like publishing 10 blogs at once. To illustrate this point, last week's S M & U T was 6200 words. The average blog you see online runs between 300-600 words. Put another way, I have been publishing a small online magazine each week (for free, without ads or revenue of any kind) for the past two fucking years. I do ALL of the work myself. ALL OF IT. I write all the content, make all the graphics, gifs, and art, and do all the editing and all the marketing on my own.
That's insane! That makes zero sense!
And I think I've done a good job with the zero resources at my disposal. I am proud of myself. I think I created something very unique! The people who looked forward to Fridays and regularly consumed this content loved this content. They understood the humor, appreciated my honesty, and learned how to read between the lines to see what I was trying to say underneath the sophomoric surface. Unfortunately, that group of people never grew into a BIG audience.
On average about 3,000 people read this blog each week. That's not NOTHING, but it's also kind of . . . nothing in the grand scheme of things, you know? It's a drop in the ocean. If I go on Twitter and tweet out "Big Boobs?", I bet I'll get more than 3,000 views on the tweet. Actually, I'm going to go do that right now to prove my point. This will be a fun experiment.
See? That tweet took me 3 seconds and racked up 6,500 views in less than 5 hours. Putting together S M & U T takes DAYS and for far less engagement. This is not a bug in the system, it's a feature. The media ecosystem rewards low-effort content. This is the death of high-effort content - audiences don't want to invest the time it takes to read 6,200 words. They want an endless stream of 280 characters (and the fewer the better), fed to them in their hand from people all over the world. To make matters worse, the apps that provide this content ACTIVELY deprioritize links that you away from the app.
So for as long as I have been writing this blog (since May 2020), I have been fighting a losing battle. Starting a blogging platform in the age of social media, without a huge investment of capital or time posting clickbait, is suicide. I had hoped that someone, anyone, might stumble upon the content I was producing here and want to help or publish it for themselves, but that never happened. Nobody ever asked me to jump on a podcast or ask me about what the site was all about and when I reached out to Outkick earlier this year to see if they'd be interested in publishing S M & U T, I had an editor tell me how much he loved the blog (especially the custom GIFs) I created, but then never heard back.
Again, I think that the content published here is worth consuming. No other blog creates custom art to complement and bring to life the words on the page. Likewise, I've never seen a blog that blends comedy, wholesomeness, and spiciness and tackles the deathly serious like this one. And I think I've gotten about as good at it as I can. I don't see how I can make S M & U T any better. Not without dishing out a lot of money for ads and not by myself.
That brings us back to earlier this week when I made this decision. I was driving home from a family event and thinking "Oh man, I gotta find time to write this week" and it felt like a weight on my shoulders. I usually don't mind that feeling, because it has helped motivate me to get to work, but then I started thinking about the state of blogging. Then I started thinking about the investment of time S M & U T requires each week. Then I started to think about how even my closest internet friends don't read the blog and the idea that I felt an obligation (TO MY EGO) to find time during the holidays to blog felt VERY FUCKING STUPID.
This just doesn't make sense, you know?
So, I'm going to do the smart thing for the first time in a while and take a break to reassess. I'm not going to STOP blogging, but I am going to stop blogging on a schedule. I don't know what that means, exactly. I suppose, at minimum, it means that I'll be blogging less frequently and when I do, it won't be 6200 words. But this does NOT mean that Flappr is shutting down, in fact, I think it means that I will be focusing more time on making YouTube videos. We live in an age of multi-media. That makes sense to me. Who knows, maybe Professor Jimbo will stop being such a lazy bitch and make a few with me in 2025. Hard to say, he's been quite a whiny, excuse-maker lately.

So, that's the gist. Blogging isn't working. It takes a lot out of me each week (I stay up way until 3 am some nights just to finish) and I haven't gotten the type of response that I had hoped. If someone out there sees this and wants to publish my S M & U T blog on their site, maybe I'll reconsider. I'm not done blogging, but I do need to figure out a way to make blogging MAKE SENSE.
This isn't the end, it's the beginning of something less impractical.
Now let's look back at some of the best S M & U T / T. I. T. S. content from 2024, which is the theme of this week's blog!
Bush is back (from T I T S for August 9, 2024):
Editor's Note: I loved this stupid essay. It's quintessential Flappr. I take something like pubic grooming habits and treat it with a deathly serious tone, including history lessons, funny gifs, and an attempt to reach harmony among the sexes. This is the type of content that made me laugh to myself as I was writing.
Pubic grooming standards is a topic that I have avoided discussing. While I led the crusade against Rupert Murdoch's hairy woman propaganda machine for over a year, that battle was against the attempt to convince women to stop shaving their legs and pits . . . but not so much their 'bits'. It would seem, however, that the time has come for us to gather and determine what constitutes acceptable bush guidelines for 2024. I do not take such discussions lightly.
Some history should help us in this pubis peregrination. The legacy of bush is a coarse, bristly, tangled web of tastes. The ancient Egyptians, for example, shaved every hair on their bodies using flint-made razors. Much like the ancient Greeks, the Romans viewed pubic hair as "fucking gross", so women of the time plucked themselves bare as a sign of high status. Then, in the Middle Ages, an untamed thicket that spread throughout the corridor of a woman's nether regions became a sign of good health. Such was the case that, in the 1450s, prostitutes would don merkins, or pubic wigs, to hide their lice-infested spinneys had been shaved.
A furry grove remained the norm throughout most of the 20th Century. "70s bush" is a term of common parlance and refers to the look Demi Moore sported before becoming famous (google at your own risk). Then something happened in the 1990s, women found their razors and started getting creative. Landing strips. Hearts. Charlie Chaplins. And, for the adventurous, lightning bolts.
This trend would not last, however, as women of the aughts began scouring the shire once more - with the Brazilian waxing industry increasing 11% each year for the past decade. The bald eagle landed and remained the peak pubic pattern until now when the NY Post proclaimed that "bush is back".
Is bush back? I don't know. To many, bush never went out of fashion. I have no desire to police the grooming habits of women, only to seek common ground - a place where men and women can operate with shared values and expectations. To that end, I think that "groomed" should be the proper standard moving forward. What 'groomed' means to a particular woman may vary, but it would, by definition, exclude untamed, overgrown, and unweeded thatches of thigh cover that often include flora invasive to the bunghole region. Unkept yards are emblematic of dilapidated, ramshackle, neighborhoods that run afoul of the broken windows theory. Nobody should have to live that way.
So that's my proposal. Wear your pubeys however you want, so long as you maintain them. You wanna trim the hedges but leave them fence height? Okay! You wanna fashion your mons pubis like a runway? You're clear for landing, cap'n!
You wanna shave a mistletoe on your mound? That's pretty spicy, but . . . ok?! You wanna raze the prairie? Eh, it's a little creepy to me, but I'm older now and this blog is already too long, so . . . whatever.
Just no Buckwheat in a leg lock, deal? Good. You're welcome, America.
A Primer on Pokies: A Guide to Nipple Aesthetics (from S M & U T for December 13, 2024):
Editor's Note: I once had a woman tell me that she reads the blog every week and she finds herself in disbelief that she finds it funny and not disgusting or insulting. She said she realized that the tone of my writing came off like I was her husband or brother and that because she knew I had a good heart, she let her brain give me a pass when I wrote about things like nipple aesthetics.
That was the coolest compliment I ever received in the two years I spent writing this blog because it was like someone finally articulated the proof of concept. This was from a couple of weeks back and I think it was some of my finest work.

Nipples . . . we all got 'em, right?
But we don't talk about the nipple much, do we? I've drafted many (some might say too many!) words about female human breasts, but I cannot recall ever spotlighting the nipple in any previous edition of the blog. In fact, I've gone to great lengths to censor the nipple in several of our custom-made gifs to avoid smut blogging accusations.
Why is that? Nipples are important! They facilitate one of life's most crucial functions - breastfeeding. Unfamiliar with this practice? Allow me to educate you. You see, after childbirth, hormones (specifically prolactin) stimulate mammary glands to produce milk, which is then delivered through the nipple to the suckling recipient, typically an infant, yet perverts have, on occasion, been known to drink straight from the source (which is frowned upon). Can't breastfeed a baby without nipples, can you? Sounds pretty damn important to me.

On the surface, 'nipple filler' sounds ridiculous. But is 'nipple filler' any more absurd than lip filler, Botox, BBLs, or any of the other things women are willing to inject into themselves to improve their appearance? I say no. According to the article, one can enhance their nipple projection with "a minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting hyaluronic acid" which costs around "$5,000 and usually entails 1 cc of dermal filler per nipple". $5000 bucks for increased nipple projection? That's a fucking steal.
You cannot put a price on the feeling of having spectacularly projected nipples!
You know what, it's time we do a nipple deep dive.

The nipple is essential to assessing the allure of bosoms. When it comes to the beauty of a breast, nipples are as important as the size, shape, and density of a given set. This is not to say that a pair of mind-blowing brassiere busters suddenly become undesirable if the bumps around the areola (called Montgomery Tubercles, named after that lucky SOB, William Montgomery, an Irish physician and obstetrician) are a little . . . extra bumpy. No, all bosoms are amazing, but we CANNOT ignore the fact that nipple aesthetics matter!
I mean, deep down we all know that nipple location is crucial to provide balance and composition to female human breasts, right? A pair of Delightful Dairy Doozies might turn into a duo of Disappointing Dairy Dontzies should the nipples be located too high or too low upon the breast. Picture a woman's chest like you would a human face (which I do regularly). Now imagine what that face would look like if the eyes were even with nose. That would look disturbing!
The nips are the eyes in this example. I think so, anyway, but you get the idea.

Determining the most desirable nipple location can be difficult, but here Mother Nature lends us a hand. The Golden Ratio (De Divina Proportione) has been used to define beauty for over 2500 years. It appears in various naturally occurring phenomena like the arrangement of petals on a flower, the spirals in a pinecone, the shape of seashells, and, yes, even in the proportions of the human body. As a result, studies from very reputable researchers have concluded that the ideal breast proportion is 45:55, where 45 percent of the breast should be above the nipple, and 55 percent below the nipple. Your taste may vary, but The Golden Ratio is the Road Map for Ravishing Round Mounds and rarely steers us wrong.
Unsurprisingly, Ms. Sweeney's Gargantuan Globes are Golden Ratio Perfection.

Likewise, areola elegance plays a pivotal role in determining the overall loveliness of Jubilant Julius Squeezers. The areola frames the nipple and is the most prominent element visible on the bosom. A disproportionately big areola paired with a relatively diminutive nipple is distracting—not unlike a ludicrously large teacup sitting upon a tragically tiny saucer. This may be desirable those with Avant Garde, modern, Marxist, sensibilities, but they're not my cup of tea (pun intended).

Making matters even more complicated, the preferred diameter of an areola may differ depending on the size of the breast they sit upon. Researchers suggest that the ‘rule of thirds’ should be considered when determining the proper areola aesthetic, but I believe that areola size is more art than science. Aside from overall size and density, areola dimensions are how bosoms define themselves and where they develop their unique character. And unlike nipple location, there is no "right" answer. A small breast does not necessarily benefit from even smaller areolas and nipples. Conversely, a well-placed small nipple matched with a well-tailored areola looks mouthwateringly appropriate when paired with Mammoth Mommy Milkies. As this is a subjective judgment, YMMV (Your Milker-Mindset May Vary).

There is much left to be investigated and discussed on this topic. The preferred standard for areolar shape is well settled and obvious enough - the more circular, the better. Meanwhile, the desirability of nipple puffiness is a much less discussed topic that borders on taboo. Nipple/areola pigmentation is related to one's skin color and riddled with potentially cancel-worthy pitfalls that I'm not interested in navigating just yet. And we have yet to even broach the topic of the so-called "free the nipple" campaign that lingers within the libtard underbelly of our culture. However, at least for today, I think we've covered enough of the nipple.
Much like the Majestic Mountains of Mirth upon which they are attached, nipples are an endless source of intrigue, fascination, and joy. I hope that you've found this brief primer on nipple aesthetics to be an enjoyable read because I can assure you it was enjoyable for me to write.
Moving on . . .
Halloween Costume Standards (from S M & U T for October 18th, 2024):
Editor's Note: Similar concept here - a non-critical "issue" that I treated with a scholarly tone. A lot of my writing over the past couple of years was aimed at trying to bridge gaps between men and women. That's important to me. I wish women would realize that men they think they "deserve" will never reciprocate those feelings if they dress like a prostitute wearing a scream mask. Likewise, men need to realize that women do not operate using the same type of value system - so men need to start investing in the things women DO value. Hit the gym, fellas.
I was not aware that Lindsay Lohan had a "total slut" rule for Halloween, but with the big day fast approaching, perhaps it's time we consider this Serious Matter. I'm around the same age as Ms. Lohan and I can recall the Halloweens of our 20s and while young women dressed slutty, I don't know if they dressed quite as slutty as they do in the year of our Lord, 2024.
Perhaps, there is a middle ground here. Perhaps instead of the "total slut" rule, we adopt the "partial slut" rule, or maybe even roll with "tastefully slutty" or a "pinch of slut" instead? "Softly slutty" still provides plenty of runway to turn heads at the Tri-Delt's "Boo Bash" kegger or your pervy neighbor's spooky swingers soiree.
I may not speak for all men on this issue, but I prefer "wholesome with a dash of slut" when it comes to Halloween costume culture. A nurse costume that consists of a white coochie skirt, crop top, and mid-thigh fishnets is just too slutty. No nurse would ever dress that way and if one did, well, I wouldn't let that dumb slut insert a catheter up my urethra, thank you very much!
No, to my tastes, a slightly slutty Little Red Riding Hood is much more preferable. A velvet-red cloak, finger-length skirt, white knee-high socks, and a dash of tasteful, slutty, cleavage will make any wolf howl (once they've collected their tongue from the floor). Yes, that amount of slutty is just enough to make everyone happy and horny without feeling like attendees of a Diddy's "Freak Out" party.
Yes, this amount of slutty is not too hot or not too cold . . . it's the juuuust righ-oh fuck, that's from Goldilocks and I mixed up my slutty fairytales . . . **sigh**
Anyways, you get the idea - let's keep it classy this year, folks.
Boobs: Defeated Communism (from S M & U T for Nov 8, 2024):
Editor's Note: This was the post-election edition of S M & U T and I worked days putting it all together. I barely slept that week, but along with the ELECTION SPECTACULAR the week before, it's probably the best edition of the blog I ever published. Lots of fun. I was happy. I got to celebrate big boobs. We all won.
Tuesday morning, something beautiful happened. Women from across our community heeded the call of a nation in distress and posted photos of their pendulous patriotic pagodas to turn out the vote and save our republic.
It worked.
Men put down their phones and stopped gooning just long enough to get their asses to the polls and put Trump over the top.
We thank you, @kriissaa_krae, and we thank her Robust, Republic Restoring, Rod-Raisers for their duty to this country.

According to exit polls, particularly in Pennsylvania, men showed up - and 56% of them voted for Donald Trump. This might not have been possible without the support of patriots, like Keystone State native @Tori_Philly4, who shared photos of her Freedom Loving Fun Bags Tuesday morning.

By early afternoon, when polls began closing, and results started pouring in, a picture began to take focus. A massive win in Florida. Impressive early returns in North Carolina, and Georgia and reasons for optimism in Virginia and New Hampshire. Men were awakened by the sounds of Large Luscious Liberty Bells, ringing from sea to shining sea and striking fear in the hearts of communists.

We thank you, @amer1can_barbie, and we thank your Anti-Communist Calcium Cannons for their service in saving the West from itself, at least temporarily.
When you wake up on January 20th to what we all hope is the dawn of a new morning for America, take a moment to reflect on the road that led us there. Pause and give thanks to the women mentioned here and the hundreds of others who refused to let darkness fall upon our Republic. Appreciate the Mammoth Mommy Milkers that might just Make America Great Again.
The Calcium Caucus: dominated on their way to re-election!

Keen observers of this blog might have noticed that I (occasionally) show a bit of preference for a select few members of the Republican Party. I write and defend them on social media more than others. This isn't intended as a sign of disrespect to Speaker Johnson, Majority Leader Scalise, Congressman Massie or a host of other House members that I (somewhat) respect. It's just that, for whatever reason, these gals . . . resonate with me.
I respectfully refer to them as the Calcium Caucus and they found nothing but success Tuesday evening.
Lauren Boebert - 2023 Milkers of The Year Award Winner

Congresswoman Boebert, who took home top honors at our Milkers of The Year Awards last year, was elected to represent Colorado's 4th Congressional District on Tuesday. This 37-year-old Ravishing Republican with Rocky Mountain Man Pleasers easily defeated her libtard challenger despite millions of dollars in out-of-state campaign contributions flooding in to try and take her down. Undaunted, our Pontificating Princess with Prolific Pueblo Pokies won her race by 10 pts.
Perhaps Boobert's (intentional misspelling for comedic purposes) most impressive accomplishment this cycle might be how she was able to successfully defect from her current district (CO-3), win a contested GOP primary and then dominate the general election in the neighboring 4th Congressional District. While many have suggested that our endorsement of Boebert helped sway men in Eastern Colorado to vote for her, we accept nor deserve any such credit.
Maybe just a little bit of credit, but even that is unnecessary.
Anna Paulina Luna - 2023 IBTC Division Winner

This based 35-year-old RW Latina MILF appeared to be in a political dog fight this election cycle as she faced off against Whitney Fox, one of the few objectively attractive democrat candidates on any ballot this year. At one point, polls had Fox ahead of Luna by 3 points. Viewed by some as a flippable seat, the DNC and outside donors poured cash into this R+6 race and put a target on Luna's back . . . both literally and metaphorically.
In August, Libtards posted a video on X of Luna wearing a MAGA-printed swimsuit from her pre-congressional modeling career. This was an apparent ploy to humiliate her, I suppose. If so, that plot backfired spectacularly as anyone with eyes quickly realized that Luna was stunningly beautiful and the attempt to shame her unleashed a cascade of comely conservative queens who rushed to her defense by posting photos of themselves looking hot in bikinis.

Then, in September, the 5-year veteran of the Air Force, posted on X that her office "received a very serious shooting threat,” before defiantly proclaiming that she refused to "be threatened, intimidated, or bow down to those using violence as a means to push their agenda. We will win."
As it turns out, Luna's race turned out to be a laugher. She beat Fox by 9 points to retain her seat in Florida's 13th Congressional District and the money pumped into this race was tantamount to kindling on Ron DeSantis' Democrat bonfire. Good for Anna, who seeks to become the first IBTC Division competitor to win the Milkers of the Year Award. Good for Florida for retaining her and good for America for having the opportunity to keep APL in our lives for at least another two years.
Nancy Mace - 2023 Mommy Milky Division Winner

Last, but certainly not least, is 2023 Mommy Milky Division Winner, Nancy Mace, who steamrolled her way to victory by SEVENTEEN points, suffocating her opponent with her Supple, South Carolinian, Sweater Stretchers.
I struggle to hide my affinity for Congresswoman Mace. She's smart, savvy, an effective communicator and has shown that she possesses more than a modicum of legislative skill in the 118th Congress. In October 2023, Mace, along with a couple of other Republicans worked with Democrats to oust Kevin McCarthy - a move that will go down in the history books as the "Machiavellian Milk Wagon Maneuver." In response to the blowback she received from members of her own party, Mace donned a fitted t-shirt emblazoned with the "Scarlet A" across her chest because . . . she was being demonized (I think?).

Ideologically speaking, Mace is somewhat of a complex figure. Long considered a moderate, Mace has drifted more to the right on many issues and has become an imposing figure in the culture wars. This Lonewolf from the Lowcountry sponsored a bill that seeks to ban biological men from competing in women's sports. The bill passed along party lines in April of 2023 but had no chance of being of getting a vote in the Schumer-controlled Senate. It will be interesting to see if and when that bill is revived now that the GOP has unified control of government.
Lately, this milktastic mother of two has embraced her eGirl MILFdom. Perhaps noticing an uptick in her google search traffic for various derivations of her name along with terms like "boobs" or "big boobs" or "bikini", Mace started utilizing her social media presence to increase her (very feminine) profile within the GOP. She started posting memes, and selfies and engaging with high-profile shitposting accounts like 3YearLetterman and, unfortunately, Former Flappr Legal Correspondent, Jarvis Best. Mace says that she runs her own social media accounts and we believe her (we believe anything that pretty girls tell us), which suggests that she has a good sense of humor and understands the brand-building potential social media affords.

As we approach the homestretch of 2024, Mace's resume for this year's Milker's of the Year Award is an impressive one. She earned an honorable mention in 2022. She won the HIGHLY competitive Mommy Milky Division in 2023. Mace enters this year's race trailing only Sydney Sweeney as the current odds-on favorite at +270 to take home this year's top prize (seriously, we have odds now).
Will Mace win MOTY 2024? That's hard to say, but what should be obvious to you by now is that Nancy Mace is a star, and this Curvy Conservative graduate of The Citadel is here to stay (she was the first woman to graduate from there, actually).
Please do not google "Nancy Mace Big Boobs". Thank you.
Donna D'Errico's 4th of July bikini (from T I T S for July 5th 2024):
Editor's Note: This bikini really did start it all. It launched an entire year-long running bit for Tremendously Intriguing Topical Subjects called "the Donna D'Errico MILF Thirst Economy", where I tracked how blogs would write about how Donna DD'Errico (intentional misspelling for comedic purposes) was being hot on Instagram. My favorite interactions on Twitter are when people flex their Flappr lore muscles and bring up references like that.

How could we forget this one? This is the bikini that started it all. Those Funbags of Freedom inspired my blog Bosomy Baywatch Beauty Bullied For Brandishing Bolt-Ons In Bikini, launched Donna's crusade against the haters and losers who said she was "too old" to wear a bikini on Instagram and led to the creation of the Donna D'Errico Milf Thirst Economy - a recurring bit on this blog for months.
It was shameful behavior by the trolls to be sure, but their folly led to a movement that encourages attractive older women to ignore body shaming Karens and post thirst on social media. This is a battle that rages on to this day. In fact, just last week, Ms. D'Errico, 56, flashed her bikini body on Instagram and sneered at trolls who mocked her for 'still' wearing two pieces, proclaiming "Yes, still wearing bikinis. Any objections? 🥰".
No, ma'am, we have no objections. We only ask that you remain a staunch defender of silver-haired smoke shows who dare to defy age and the haters. On a serious note, I do love how this storyline continues. If I had to guess, there has probably been no less than 100 blogs written about "Donna D'Errico clapping back at haters" over the past two years. It's very funny how much mileage the internet has gotten out of one Instagram post from over two years ago.
We love you, DD.
Editor's Note: The funniest thing about this essay is that it was published in the same edition of T I T S as my very serious writing on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump (the first one). Very apropos for this blog.
Well, well, well . . . look who's years of trying to convince women of the palliative benefits of consistent, vigorous, intercourse has finally been proven correct.
According to researchers out of Switzerland, orgasms "trigger the release of 'feel-good' hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine" and can "help women with stress". Moreover, research suggests that your average toe-curler serves as a natural pain reliever, serving up the "equivalent effect of 10mg of morphine." If that wasn't enough, having routine, transcendent la petite mort, can also help boost your immune system, clear congested nasal passages, help you sleep better, sharpen your memory, prevent heart disease AND strengthen your pelvic floor!
CAN'T YOU SEE!? WE JUST WANT TO STRENGTHEN YOUR PELVIC FLOORS! So sorry for trying to help prevent early onset incontinence, ladies. Forgive us for trying to help you prevent heart disease! How rude of us!?!
I do not know where to even begin with how great this research is for men. It eviscerates all of the most commonly deployed excuses as to why women are 'not in the mood' for sex. What's that? You have a headache? Good news, according to research, we have 10mg of morphine between our legs.
What's wrong, babe, you're tired? Well, science says that 5 minutes (ok, 3 minutes) of horizontal hokey will help you sleep better. Oh, your memory is dull and you don't know where you are? Mr. Biden, please put your pants back on.
It's so over for you, ladies. We've cracked the code. All we gotta do is make sure you reach climax during every encounter, which we're sure you do because you'd never pretend otherwise. Heh. Yep.
What is a sundress? (from T I T S for June 7th 2024):
Editor's Note: I got a lot of mileage out of Sundress content over the past two years and that makes me happy. I like sundresses, but I hate how some people try and ruin nice things. . . like sundresses. I swear, right-wing retards are just as bad as left-wing commies. They tried to ruin sundress season this year by trying to define them, call them slutty, or insinuate that they are just a facade for "trad wife" influencers. Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up.
The entire point of sundress nationalism is that sundresses are pretty, feminine, dresses and women wear them, they look pretty and feminine. That's it. Full stop. We live in an age where some libtards will call you a fascist if you refuse to fuck a chick with a dick. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND JUST ENJOY WOMEN (BIOLOGICAL WOMEN) WEARING PRETTY DRESSES, YOU STUPID FUCKS!
Saw a lot of chatter this week on Twitter over what does and does not qualify as a sundress. As the self-appointed czar of sundress season, I felt it necessary to provide some clarification so that ladies can don such outfits with confidence this summer. So, here goes . . .
First, a little history - the term "sundress" as we know it today gained popularity in the 1960s, largely thanks to designer Lilly Pulitzer and her signature "shift dress" designs. These dresses featured vibrant, floral prints and a carefree style that some say is the ancestral forebear to the modern-day sundress. I'm not sure this is true, but there are probably shreds of truth in there, so . . . let's roll with it.
Bet you didn't think you'd get a lesson in fashion history from this so-called "sm*t blog" did you?
Anyways, what are the elements of a sundress? Well, mainly, it's all about light, breathable fabrics, playful prints, and vibrant colors. The fabric of a sundress should be lightweight and breathable, to allow perspiring pontoons to breathe freely during the warmest months. The neckline is often designed to highlight the collarbone and shoulders, with the top constructed to stop just under the bust. The skirt can come in various lengths and sizes, from mini to long, ensuring that nearly every woman can find the perfect sundress to strut her stuff.
The truth is that a sundress is just a dress worn during Sundress Season. It's a dress with patterns or no patterns, but bright summery colors. Most are sleeveless, but some have short sleeves. If you're wearing a dress in the summer, you're wearing a sundress. I'd even go as far as to say that any outfit you pair with a skirt can qualify. But no pants - if you're wearing pants, that's not a sundress.
Stop overcomplicating things.
Slate said "Sydney Sweeney's boobs are not that big"; was wrong, got community noted (from T I T S for March 15, 2024):
Editor's Note: I wrote about Sydney Sweeney often and that's not an accident. She is an important figure in our culture and someone I hold responsible for helping change the tide against wokeness. Her large breasts were baby-feeding beacons of hope and her effervescent personality was a unique departure from the serious, hyper-politicized, activist stars that Hollywood produced in the decade prior.
If you don't think she represented a breath of fresh air that America badly needed, well, then, I think you're fucking stupid.
This might be the best use of community notes to date. It corrected a misstatement of fact. It redressed an injustice. It spoke truth to power.
Listen, folks, , , , her boobs are big. Yes, some boobs out there are bigger, but Sydney Sweeney's boobs are that big. They just are. You don't need to overthink. Just embrace this fact. Just embrace them in all their big big bigness glory.
If you require scientific proof, some reports suggest that her bra size is 32D. By global comparison, the natural female breast has an average size between a large "A" and a smaller "B" in the US size system. So there, Sydney's breasts are about 2 sizes above replacement level. If Sweeney was a baseball player, she'd be Mickey Massive Mantles or . . . Big Bobs Gibson.
This was a victory for the Mommy Milker Movement ("The MMM™"). We will not be stopped by some loser at Slate. We are winning. We will win. All is well.
A Defense of Sydney Sweeney (from S M & U T for December 20th 2024):
Editor's Note: Same as above. If you're right-wing and actively tear this woman down, you're being suicidal and also a stupid fuck. Also, I went all-out on the GIFs last week. Subconsciously, I must have known that I was about to end the blog because these GIFs were my best work, true works of art. Bravo. To me.

Oooooo boy, buckle up, because I have had thoughts on this for a whole week and chose to save them for this blog. What follows is for the people who engaged in the Sydney Sweeney slander last weekend - the rest of you can skip this section or sit and silently nod along with the harsh truths I feel compelled to share. . . .
Alright, you stupid motherfuckers, I don't know who needs to hear this, but Sydney Sweeney is not "fat", "average looking", or a "catfish". Sydney Sweeney is objectively attractive by any non-communist standard of beauty. She even looks good in the photos at the center of this disgraceful saga. Do you ignorant cunts realize that she wasn't aware she was being photographed? Didn't you notice she wasn't wearing makeup? Don't you get that these photos were not intended to be flattering, but failed even within that context?

I know that you have a LeBron James-level intellect, but you're aware that women pose for photos, right? They don't ask their friends to photograph them hunched over while adjusting their bikini tops with their hair thrown up in a bun. Instead, they position their bodies in aesthetically flattering poses to present the best version of themselves. Posing is not new. People have been posing for as long as people have been trying to depict the human form on visual mediums.
Take, for example, Michelangelo's David.

Look at how David is standing with his weight on his right foot and his other leg forward. The Italians call this pose 'contrapposto' or 'counterpoise' and it serves two primary purposes here: 1) it conveys to the viewer a sense of potential energy, like David is about to move, which helps bring the sculpture to life; and 2) the pose contorts David's hips and shoulders to rest at opposing angles, giving a slight s-curve to his entire torso to emphasize his toned abs, and specifically, his cum-gutters (this is a scientific term, not my own).
David didn't spend all that time doing Goliath-Conquering-Crunches only to be memorialized as a soft-bodied shepherd, hunched over while eating sheep rectum or whatever the fuck they used to eat. No, David was a conquering hero, and Michaelangelo, while doing David no favors in the dick-size department, understood that he should be remembered as having an impressive fizeek.
This is no different than why women pose in the photos they post on social media. This is also why they wear makeup, take dozens of photos from various angles, and edit before sharing them with the world. Every woman does this and it's not a secret. They just want to look attractive. It's good for the ego. It doesn't mean that "they're ugly" or "have gotten fat" or "are a catfish" - it just means that if a paparazzi unexpectedly photographs someone relaxing poolside in Florida, in their backyard, they might not look exactly the way they do in a magazine spread, you cretinous cock gobblers.

Ron DeSantis should find and imprison the paparazzo who took these photos. Not because Sweeney doesn't look attractive in them (she does, still very much 'would'), but because this was an invasion of her privacy. No, I'm not kidding. Arrest them, Governor DeSantis. That would be true leadership.

Fellas, , , if you unironically typed out the words "Midney Sweeney" last week, I cannot help you because you're either gay, retarded, or a hopelessly gay retard.
If you look at this woman and think to yourself "She's ugly", then you're fucked in the head. You've cranked your hog too much and consumed too much internet pr0n. You have gooner sensibilities. You're cum drunk. You have been poisoned by internet contrarianism. You're un-fucking-salvageable. You should move to a cave with your waifu pillow and leave the rest of us alone.
And ladies, , , if you saw those photos and felt the need to pile on about how Sweeney is only "average looking" with "OK boobs", well, you're as dull as the SIMPs who eagerly nod along with every stupid thing you post. I also don't think you fully comprehend the implications of Sydney Sweeney being just "average looking" because if Sweeney's only a 5 or a 6, then . . . yeeeeesh, what the hell are you? We might need to invent a new beauty scale for you because you're a bearded cave troll if Sydney Sweeney is only average.

Finally, if you're a conservative who participated in this Marxist psyop, then you might be the most self-sabotaging twat of them all. Sweeney is conservative coded. She's fun. She's a throwback. She's an All-American Girl. She's blonde. When was the last time Hollywood produced a new blonde, A-list actress who dominated the cultural zeitgeist? I can't think of one in the past decade. Sweeney conquered Hollywood without ever REALLY supporting any Libtard causes.
In fact, in 2022 when Libtards came to cancel her because partygoers at her mom's birthday party wore MAGA-style hats emblazoned with “Make Sixty Great Again,” Sweeney didn't even apologize. Instead, she stood firm, posted a tweet saying that the outrage was "absurd", that the hats weren't a political statement, and told people to "stop making assumptions" and said she loved her mother.

The fates handed conservatives Sydney Sweeney. We watched as her Glamorous Gobsmackers conquered the Globe. We celebrated when she put the Kardashians to the sword and liberated the West from cultural ass-centricity. And how did you appreciate this good fortune? How did we repay Sweeney for ushering in a new age of Mommy Milkies? By calling her fat for social media points and making her cry. The communASSts set a trap and you all fell for it - eagerly slandering this Queen for the crime of being a normal biological female. This is why we lose.

You people are no better than the climate homos who threw a can of soup on the Mona Lisa. You're fucking retards and you disgust me.
Leave Sydney Sweeney alone.
News! News! News!
Editor's Note: a fun time capsule - the biggest moments from the 2024 election.
Trump Verdict: GUILTY (from T I T S for April 26th 2024):
I am writing this as all 34 guilty verdicts are coming in and it's surreal. Everyone involved should be ashamed. The judge and the DA most among them. I expected this outcome, but I did not expect that it would make me this angry. It didn't have to be this way. We didn't have to cross this Rubicon for whatever these charges are supposed to punish. This was stupid. This is going to result in long-term consequences the likes of which we cannot discern today.
40 percent of Americans will be thrilled by this outcome. Another 40 percent of Americans will be apoplectic (and I don't blame them). The way that the other 20 percent of Americans react will be telling. Either independents will see this prosecution for the political lawfare that it was, or they won't, and they'll slurp up Biden calling Trump a convicted felon for the next 4 months.
How that 20 percent of Americans perceive this verdict has import far beyond the outcome of any election. If non-partisans find themselves undisturbed by convicting a former president / current nominee during an election year, in a hostile jurisdiction, on charges brought by a DA who campaigned on prosecuting that individual . . . then we have much bigger problems than whoever occupies 1600 Pennsylvania avenue.
Who knows where we go from here? Trump will appeal. It will take months, if not years, to get his case heard. It's not often I feel bad for any politician I'm much more inclined to feel contempt for them, but I do feel bad for Trump - at least for today. For everything that some might say he deserves, he did not deserve this for this. This was a disgraceful perversion of our justice system and another mile marker on our road towards banana republic status.
The Debate (from T I T S for June 28th 2024):
That was ugly for Joe Biden. Real ugly. Uglier than even the most ardent Trump supporter could've expected. It was the rare terrible performance that nobody watching could ignore. It was so bad that CNN and MSNBC had absolute fucking meltdowns in the post-debate aftermath.
Just look at Van Jones, mfer looked like he was about to start weeping on live TV:
So, what was so bad about Biden's performance? Well . . . just about everything. His voice was hoarse. Like "uhhh, should we take grandpa to the ER" level hoarse. When he walked out on stage, he waved to an audience that wasn't there.
Biden was incoherent. It took him 19 seconds to ramble aimlessly about healthcare before bizarrely proclaiming that "we finally beat Medicare".
He made weird faces all night. Rather than staring at the camera, he was often staring off-stage or down at his ding-dong. He started a fight with Trump over who was a better golfer. These dudes called each other criminals for over an hour, but things didn't get heated until they insulted one another’s golf swings. Trump ended that spat by saying "Let's not act like children". SOMEHOW Biden made Donald FUCKING Trump look like the adult in the room.
Speaking of, Trump was as prepared, calm, and in control as I've ever seen him. More often than not, he did not take the bait. Trump often answered questions he wanted to answer, rather than the ones asked . . . which is a smart debate tactic. The former president wasn't perfect, but he was poised and presented a very stark contrast to the blob of goo vibrating next to him. Trump landed the kill shot about 35 minutes or so into the debate:
Simply put, this was Trump's best debate performance. He was charismatic, he was Trumpy, in control and it's encouraging to see that he might have learned something from his last go 'round. I Didn't think this old dog could learn new tricks.
Where do things go from here? Who knows. Literally every Libtard on CNN and MSNBC were openly calling for Biden to be replaced on the ticket. MSNBC was begging Gavin Newsom to step in and run in Biden's place. The donor class has to be losing their minds right now. I don't know if they can pull off a hot swap this far into an election cycle, but if they do, their options do not inspire confidence. You have to believe they'd choose Kamala Harris to replace Biden - lest they alienate black female voters (their most loyal constituency). The problem there is that Kamala is less popular than Joe. There just isn't a good option for them (though I'd keep an eye on Hillary, she makes sense for a lot of reasons).
What we do know is that the media was in lockstep last night - ringing alarm bells and sounding trumpets for an open convention this fall. The next few weeks will be fascinating to watch as pressure mounts on Biden to "step aside".
Trump almost assassinated (from T I T S for July 19th 2024):
We came within inches on Saturday of waking up on Sunday to a vastly different world. We can within a providential Donald Trump head turn from the United States descending into electoral chaos, social unrest, and perhaps much worse.
Donald Trump is lucky. We are lucky. The world is lucky that the little (probably Marxist) soyjak perched atop that (inexplicably unsecured) roof couldn't control his breathing and pull his shots just enough to miss his target - Donald Trump's head.
I am lucky that this happened on Saturday because if this had happened on Thursday, last Friday's blog would've been filled with some very incendiary shit that would've been difficult for me to walk back.
Though not as MAGA as some of you, I was incredibly moved by what transpired in Butler, PA. What we saw on that stage was horrifying and tragic, but also inspiring. The Donald, wounded and undoubtedly shaken, rose to his feet amongst a pile of Secret Service officers, and as they attempted to usher him from the stage - he told them to "wait". Trump, with a chunk missing from his ear and blood streaked across his cheek, threw up a defiant fist and encouraged his followers to "fight" - a battle cry he repeated three times. Somehow, despite the chaos surrounding him, Donald Trump met the moment and led his people. I admit that watching Trump in these moments made me emotional (didn't cry; not gay). It felt different. We haven't seen that type of masculinity from an American leader since, perhaps, George W. Bush in the days following 9/11. Trump's courage under fire was gripping, toxically masculine even, and represents the unrelenting intrepidness of the American spirit. The photos that emerged are nothing less than iconic and will be remembered for generations to come:
Tragically, not everyone in attendance was so lucky. 50-year-old firefighter, Corey Comperatore, was struck by the assassin's bullet and died protecting his daughters. Comperatore's daughter shared a touching tribute to her father on Facebook, calling him "the best dad a girl could ever ask for". Corey Comperatore was taken from us too soon, but he had already won the game. Rest in peace, Mr. Comperatore (click here to donate to a GoFundMe for his family).
I'm not sure where we go from here. Trump was already the favorite to win the election, and I suppose this tragedy helped his prospects in November. The Dems and their corporate media allies, who have spent years trying to radicalize libtards into believing that Trump is LITERALLY Orange Hitler, will not stop. Though I must admit that it was amusing to see so many of these same people wishing Literal Orange Hitler a speedy recovery in the hours that followed. If one believed that Donald Trump posed such a threat to "MuH DeMoCrAcy", then the logical conclusion to such belief would be . . . ending the threat, no? Ponderous.
I will not even attempt to piece together the incompetence (or worse) of the Secret Service. I will, however, pray that Trump supporters possess the wisdom to realize that retaliation would be wholesale suicide. I pray for Donald Trump's safety. I pray that Donald Trump appreciates the magnitude of what almost happened and that it provides him with new insights into how to govern and unite our fractured polity. I pray Americans view Saturday's tragedy as a wake-up call to how far down the road to ruin we currently find ourselves. Because we are teetering on this cliff and came within a head turn from getting pushed off.
Biden drops out (from T I T S for July 26th 2024):
Joe Biden did not want to step aside. Biden made that much clear through the various interviews and statements he shared in the weeks that followed his disastrous debate performance in late June. Moreover, Joe Biden did not need to step aside. He had the war chest. He had the delegates. There was nothing the party could do to force him to stand down (at least within the rules).
But Joe Biden did step aside, announcing his decision not to run for re-election on Sunday on Twitter of all places. We did not see him. We did not hear from him. All we got was this fairly benign letter, signed by the President (or at least someone purporting to be the President), stating that he was no longer seeking re-election because he didn't want to "be a distraction" or something.
While we don't officially know why he chose to step aside, we all know the unofficial real reason he's not running - his party threatened him. They did this pretty publicly. They told him they were going to stop fundraising for his campaign. And, according to "Democrat sources", Nancy Pelosi made clear to the Bidens that "they could do this the easy way or the hard way" and that after three weeks of trying the easy way, "it was about to be the hard way."
THAT SURE SOUNDS LIKE A THREAT! What was the "hard way"? Were they going to start revealing all of the skeletons they had helped bury over Biden's 50-year career? Were they going to threaten to stop obstructing GOP investigations into his family's pretty obvious self-dealing? Was it something even worse?
It sure looks like we witnessed a bloodless coup in real time over the past month. The Obamas, Clintons, Nancy, Chuck, donors, Hollywood, MSNBC, the Atlantic, CNN, and every other liberal elite joined forces to oust a sitting president during his re-election campaign. Every one of the 14,465,519 libtards who voted for Biden during the primaries has been effectively disenfranchised. None of this is illegal, mind you, and not a single libtard will change their vote to Trump or sit out this election as a result of this soft overthrow of their candidate
This all feels rather Soviet, does it not?
I do not like Joe Biden. I do not believe that he is a good man. I do not believe that he was cognitively fit for office, even back in 2020. But he was the nominee and to effectively put a gun to his head to step aside feels like a subversion of our democracy . . . the same one that Democrats insist they are trying to save.
To any Republican happy to see Sleepy Joe go, I would remind you that the catastrophically bad policies of the Biden administration still seem somehow less bad than what we would get under President Harris. Kamala's entire 2020 campaign was premised on government by dictate. In 2019-2020, Harris stated that she would support the seizing of patents, the mass confiscation of firearms, the nationalization of abortion law, and the elimination of the private health insurance plans of 180 million people - all via executive order. Oh, and she wanted to nuke the filibuster to pass AOC's Green New Deal. Not great!
So, yeah, remarkably the 2024 election has become crazier than the 2020 election - which was a pretty fucking crazy election! We don't even officially know if Kamala will replace Joe! It could be Michelle Obama, or Joe Manchin (?), or if you're a shitlib who suffers from West Wing brain, Aaron Sorkin's choice, Mitt Romney! Yes, that was a thing that happened - Sorkin suggested Democrats nominate Romney to replace Biden. Ponderous.
We have no choice but to just sit back, relax, and strap it down for the next 4 months, and just watch the whole thing unfold. Mercy.
Final Pre-Election Plea (from S M & U T for October 25th 2024):
By the time this blog is published on Friday, we will be 11 days from Election Day. The stakes feel very high. Maybe not "end of the Republic" level high, but this election will be pretty damn consequential.
If Kamala Harris wins on November 5th and brings with her unified control of government, America will undergo a radical transformation that many of us never thought possible. Unified Democrat control will almost certainly mean the end of the filibuster in the Senate. Once the filibuster goes, so does the last thing standing in the way of the progressive fever dream becoming your reality.
No filibuster means revisions to the Judiciary Act of 1789 will be passed and the courts will be packed, forever altering a system that's been in place for 155 years. To be clear, there is nothing wrong with the current Supreme Court, libtards just don't like its current 6-3(ish) "conservative" makeup. There is no other reason. That's the truth. They know this and do not care. They want to "rebalance the court" to reverse work done over the past four years that peeled back some of the super-legislative judicial activism of The Warren Court. A "rebalanced court" will mean more power for the federal government, less power for the states, and less protection for you and your rights.
Without the filibuster standing in their way, Dems will likely ram through expensive and extensive "green legislation" to "combat climate change". Of course, when they say, "climate change" they mean things like voting, abortion, and trans rights. And when they say "combating" they mean giving taxpayer money to DEI initiatives or DNC donors for thinly veiled vanity projects that produce nothing that benefits anyone, let alone the environment.
Let's rattle off a few more things that might be at stake in 18 days:
amnesty for tens of millions of illegal aliens
an assault weapons ban
reparations for people who were never slaves paid for by those who never owned them
more "student loan forgiveness" for irresponsible retards
a nation-wide "right to abort" without any limits
more inflation caused by runaway spending
If you think I'm being hyperbolic in anything mentioned above, please name me the Democrat senators who will stand in the way of any of these things. Exactly.
I say all of this to remind you that ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
At the end of the day, you should vote your conscience. If that means you vote you write in Nikki Haley or Bill Trudell and are ready to live with the consequences thereof . . . ok, sure, great, whatever. I can respect that! I have principles too! But before you do, I ask that you consider that maybe, just this one time, you hold your nose and vote to buy us four years to try and steer this ship away from the iceberg and save the West from its apparent suicidal ideations.
Donald Trump is imperfect in many ways. He's the least conservative GOP candidate of my lifetime. He often says and does things that make my head hurt. He's likely to disappoint us in some fashion. He's also our only hope in 2024 and in 11 days, I am going to vote for him, not only because he's the (far) lesser of two evils, but because I would like to see what a Trump administration can do unhampered by Russiagate/COVID or worried about the prospect of re-election.
Deporting millions of people who shouldn't be here? Yes, I and a majority of recently polled Americans support his very necessary idea! An Elon Musk-led task force to audit and eliminate pointless regulations and inefficient, wasteful, parts of our federal bureaucracy? When can he start? A promise to prevent deranged biological men from competing in women's sports? Yeah, that's just common sense.
The Tariffs will pay for themselves? Ehhhhhhhhhh . . .
Listen, my point is that you don't have to love Donald Trump or his character to vote for Donald Trump. If you're on the fence, consider it - you never have to tell anyone if you do. We will keep this secret for you. We will never tell. We promise.
Donald Trump wins (From S M & U T for November 8th 2024):

Wow. . . . Wow. Wow. Wow. . . . . Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. . . . Wow.
They investigated him. They brought "civil fraud" suits against him, fined him over $500M, and tried to ruin his family business. They raided his home. They indicted him. They arrested him. They booked him. They convicted him of "34 felonies". They tried to kill him (twice). They called him literal Hitler and his supporters "deplorable" and "garbage".
Well, 73 million (and counting), deplorable, garbage Americans voted and elected Donald J. Trump to become our 47th president. Trump didn't just win, he won RESOUNDINGLY, capturing every swing state AND the popular vote. Finally, at long last, the people said "no mas" and threw up the biggest fuck you to the regime that I've ever seen. If nothing else, this should show you that America remains very based and Western civilization's last hope for self-correction.
If that doesn't give you a glimmer of hope for the future, then you're too far gone and you're not gonna make it.
Getting High on X
Editor's Note: To the few people who would reach out and thank me for highlighting their tweets, you're welcome. I love you. You were the biggest reason I kept blogging as long as I did.
ForrestMommy is a stone cold Christmas fox.
Krissy bought herself a new sundress.
Gen X Wolf pointed out a Merry Christmas myth
PizzaCzar is a good dude, go follow him.
Izaboo did a little Chesterton posting.
WriteGrlProbs wished a happy Hanukah to her Jewish friends (I do too).
Sports! Sports! Sports!
Football: The Bears Suck, The Blackhawks suck, The Cubs Suck.
All my teams fucking suck. I want to blow my fucking brains out. That's all I got.
We must investigate the literalness of this BSO headline (for journalistic purposes):

Upon inspection, that does appear to be Paige Spiranac, wearing a "low-cut top" and looking "stunning" in her latest snap. This is a literal BSO headline.
Well done, gents. Much love to you, Paige.
Meme of the Week!
No meme of the week in this final edition, but I did enjoy using this section as a platform to celebrate some of my best internet friends, and their artwork and briefly talk about the psychology of memes. I encourage you to follow some of my favorites and show them some appreciation for the laughs they provide:
When reached for comment on the end of the S M & U T, some of the above shared the following for publication:

So true, Kings. So true.
Much love to you all! Don't be a stranger! Shoot me a DM!
Respect, brother. You are a giver of Good Things.
Whatever you decide to do next I'll be here. You do great work! 🫡
Son of a bitch! I get it. I don't like it, but I get it. SMUT & TITS will be missed.
Goddamn it. Initially, I was just a Friday Bob video watcher. Last week, I discovered this blog. Yesterday, I spent over 4 hours watching “Good Idea, Bad Idea” videos at 1.5x (Highly recommended, gives it an old timey radio feel). And now I read that you’re nixing the blog.
SM & UT gives me serious soft R G-File vibes - well, before Jonah Goldberg his mind. Pour one out for another victim of Type III TDS.
But I totally get it. I imagine it’s a ton a work; and unless you’re sitting on a pile of cash - it’s probably not very revenue enhancing.
I’m always late to the party. It’s my curse.
But I’ll be hanging out waiting for…
Enjoyed doing the reading