It's been a year since we published what we hope will become a new Thanksgiving tradition in your household.
From esteemed (and recently terminated) former high school history teacher, Professor James O'Flannery, The First Thanksgiving - Good Thing, Bad Thing? tells the story of Squanto, Samoset, Massasoit, the Wampanoags, the Narragansetts, the pilgrims, the first settlements, the trials, the tribulations, the hope and the feast born from it all.
Please, go give it a watch and take a minute to appreciate the rich traditions from which your Thanksgiving dinner originates.
As always, your continued support of our work is greatly appreciated. If you would, please subscribe to our channel, click like on the video and leave us a comment to let us know what you think.
You may not realize this, but your support fills our hearts with joy and helps our little project grow.
Thank you. God bless you all. We hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

I'll be at my nephew's house for the Big Day. I can't think of a better viewing option and will hopefully introduce some new fans. Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃