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The Russian Revolution - Good Thing, Bad Thing? (Part One)

To the general public,

This is Professor James O’Flannery here to bring you an announcement: I have just finished the First Part of what has turned into a multi-part lecture exploring the Russian Revolution. You can view it in its entirety from the convenience of the Your”-Tube web-site-program. See enclosed:

However, I have one caveat to mention… My good-for-nothing grandson has (once again) fouled things up beyond description. Apparently, he and his pea-brained girlfriend have decided to take a pleasure cruise for two weeks, leaving yours truly in something of a lurch.

Of course, I shouldn't have to explain precisely how selfish this is. He should be here with me helping videographicate the rest of my Russian Revolution lecture, while she should be folding blue jeans at Old Navy or whatever tasteless tacky apparel company was foolish enough to employ her.

As a result, I don't believe Part Two will be available until sometime mid-February. Part Three should follow rapidly after. Anyway, that's the schedule. Obviously, I wish to head off any noisome complaints at the pass. You know the ones I mean. Consider yourselves informed.

Otherwise, that's it. That's all I can think of.

Do your… watching

James O’Flannery


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