So much to read, so little time.
Good thing for you, we've curated our own weekly digest of links from around the internet entitled "Tremendously Intriguing Topical Subjects" to help keep you abreast of the most important things happening online. We will deliver T.I.T.S. (a coincidental acronym) to your inbox every Friday (if you subscribe, for free, to our blog)!
VERY Important Donna D'Errico MILF Thirst Economy News!
This week, I decided to turn the DDMTE over to Bing's AI Chat Bot. Here is the VERTBATIM response to the query "write a blog, in the style of Bartleby from, about the DDMTE" (images and italicized commentary from me):
Hello, fellow Flappr readers. You may know me as Bartleby, the writer and editor who brings you the best content on the internet (Editor’s Note: He’s lying). Today, I want to talk to you about a very important issue that has been bothering me for a while: the online harassment and bullying of Donna D’Errico.
Who is Donna D’Errico, you ask? Well, if you don’t know, you should be ashamed of yourself. Donna D’Errico is a former Playboy Playmate and Baywatch star who still looks stunning at 55.
Bing AI Chat Bot Accuracy Rating: Very Accurate!
Donna D’Errico is a goddess among mortals. She is a queen among peasants. She is a legend among losers.
She is also a target for trolls.
Ever since she started posting photos of herself on Instagram, she has been bombarded with hateful and nasty comments from trolls who have nothing better to do than to criticize her appearance and her lifestyle. They say things like “You’re too old to be sexy”, “You’re a plastic surgery disaster”, “You’re a bad mother” and “You’re desperate for attention”.
These trolls are pathetic. They are jealous. They are insecure. They are miserable.
They are wrong.
Donna D’Errico is not too old to be sexy. She is sexy as hell. She has a body that most women would kill for and most men would die for. She has curves in all the right places and knows how to flaunt them. She has a face that could launch a thousand ships and melt a thousand hearts. She has a smile that could light up a thousand rooms and brighten a thousand days.
Let's just be honest here. . . Bing AI Chat Bot has faunistic taste.
Donna D’Errico is a national treasure. She is a role model for women of all ages who want to embrace their beauty and their sexuality without shame or fear. She is a trailblazer for women who want to break free from the stereotypes and norms that society imposes on them. She is a legend for women who want to live their lives on their own terms and have fun along the way.
So, to all the trolls who hate on Donna D’Errico: stop it.
Stop being mean. Stop being jealous. Stop being bitter. Stop being losers.
Or better yet, start being silent.
Final number of blogs written this week about Donna D'Errico posting photos of herself being sexy on Instagram: Five.

As always, we will continue to monitor the DDMTE for further developments.
Very Important News
Editor's Note: I've tweaked up the formatting here - the links are bolded and my commentary is italicized. I am trying to make this more readable for you. Let me know if this works better.
Meet Laura: Taxation Is Theft Understander and Sundress Nationalist
The Flappr Community among the greatest ever assembled.
**shudders** no. . . I don't think I'll be investigating that one any further.
Daily Mail: 'Soaking up the Summer Solstice': Ivanka Trump flashes a smile in a sporty black swimsuit
Fascinating . . . let's investigate the accuracy of this headline.
Headline Accuracy Rating: Very Accurate Headline!
Put your politics aside, Ivanka is stunningly beautiful. It will never cease to amaze me how the media spent four years pretending like Ivanka and Melania weren't the two of the biggest smoke shows to ever grace the White House.
They did, however, pretend like Michelle (Michael?) Obama was a delicate beauty and Jill Biden is a fashionista. Ponderous.
This sounds like a headline worth investigating!
Ok, so it appears that Rose was born with something called 'Symmastia' - a condition where there is "a confluence of the breast tissue of both breasts across the intermammary cleft".
Apparently 1 in 200,000 women are born that way?!
Hmph. So she's like the titty version of a Cyclops? A CyBobs? Regardless, those sleek-siamese-sundials look eminently motor-boatable.
Look at us, we learned something today!
Alright, roll the footage . . .
Ok, so this woman is very attractive, obviously. Yet, I think this is a case of "I am going to invent something weird and sexualized for social media clout".
Why do I say that? She's literally raking a backyard full of dirt. Who does that? Maybe she's prepping her yard so that someone cay lay sod for her (*giggity*)?
I'm not sure, I will say that it is her property and she is entitled to wear whatever she wants. I will also say that if her neighbors complain, I would understand why - especially if they have young kids. Nobody needs to deal with little Jimmy spending 10 hours a day staring out of his bedroom window at the neighbor "prepping her field" (*giggity*).
No Context, Beautiful Woman Wearing Sundress:
No, no, no! There will be no further investigation this time. I learned my lesson two weeks ago when The Sun shared a similar story of a woman with pubic hair so unkept I felt like I was going to get a rug burn just watching her.
What is it with The Sun? Someone there really loves furry females.
Let's make this easy, let's revert to the rules of time immemorial - Ladies, , , , shave your pits and your legs. Bikini zone? Maintenance at minimum. There you have it - issue solved for men and women forevermore. Done.
Fellas, , , , the level of degeneracy these days is too damn high. Stop looking for ways to overcomplicate your sex lives. Find a woman. Wed her and bed her without the introduction of any condiments typically associated with Yorkshire pudding.
Grow up. Start a family. Have a normal sex life where you occasionally both drink too much get adventurous, but not TOO adventurous. FFS.
Hmmm . . . let's investigate the accuracy of this headline.

Headline Accuracy Rating: She looks like she's lifting her leg to rip a fart. . .
Oh FFS, let's investigate. . .
Couple things - you don't get claim that you're being 'sexualized' for being a mermaid when your Instagram account is basically you just posting photos and videos of yourself being a sexualized mermaid. You also don't get to call men 'mer-verts' because they're reacting the way you want them to.
Second - fellas, , , , what is the attraction mermaids? They have tails and scales and I'm not even sure how or where you'd even fuck one of them. Do they have mer-pussies? There are plenty of human females for you to fantasize over, pick one and stop being fucking weird.
Cuck Level: You May Live to See Manmade Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension
MILF dresses? Fascinating . . . let's investigate.
This is weaponized Sundress Nationalism. Vulnerabilities have been exposed. Not gonna lie, this is concerning.
This is the least shocking thing ever since conservative women are more attractive and happier than their pink haired land-whale counterparts. This is backed up by data - more than half of young white liberal women have literally been diagnosed mental health issues. Do you think these women are happy?
No no no. Bullshit. These broads don't 'mix up' their boyfriends, these weirdos are carbon-copy-co-op-copulators and probably get-off on pretending they don't know that they're banging the other twin.
They're Brazillian degens, I promise you.
Alternative headline: Progressive Policy Making and it's Consequences.
PLUS: Abby Shapiro EVISCERATES Summer with THREE Recipes You HAVE To Try!
Also, as we reported last week . . . she's pregnant!
We're only a few months away from Abby MM Season Volume 2. That's exciting!
Also, we love Abby and her content.
Go subscribe to her YouTube Channel, support her work!
Very Important Meme of the Week
A bit of context here - the tragic missing Titanic tour sub thing is attached to a support vessel when its not doing tragic missing Titanic sub thing tours and that support vessel uses Starlink for internet access while in the middle of the ocean to help. . . navigate the ocean. Well, he tragic missing titanic tour sub thing lost communication with the support vessel and because Elon Musk owns Starlink (an because libtards hate Elon Musk) they tried to blame Starlink for the communications failure.
Enter Snopes - fact checked this information and said something akin to yes, Elon Musk owns Starlink and Starlink was responsible for communications for the tragic missing Titanic tour sub thing. Snopes rated this information "true" even though it also said that "we do not know how much Starlink is responsible for the loss of contact with the submersible, nor the reasons behind that loss of contact."
Now, why would Snopes rate a claim as true when the underlying premise was unproven and clearly motivated by libtard hate of Elon Musk? Because Snopes is run by libtards and libtards hate Elon Musk.
Enter Community Notes - The fact checkers got fact checked by the community, who appended a note to Snopes tweet adding context you can read in the tweet above. Basically, Starlink has nothing to do with the communication between the support vessel and the tragic missing Titanic tour sub thing.
Enter @ingelramdecoucy - who, in a departure from his patented "frog of shame" reply ratio gimmick, nukes Snopes from orbit and wins our meme of the week.
Oh, and he got Elon musk to reply with a crying laughter emoji.
10/10, I'm totally not jealous.
Other Important News
Hunter Biden: pleaded Biden and didn't face serious consequences for his crimes.
So, this was predictable, right?
The Biden DOJ was never going to put the President's son in jail. Instead, they tried to thread the needle of having his plead guilty to some misdemeanors, enter a diversion program and make it appear that he was punished, but suffer no ACTUAL long-term consequences.
You, on the other hand, would be indicted on the highest possible charges and face the following two choices: 1) fight federal prosecutors, who have unlimited time and resources, until they bled you of your ability to continue funding your defense; or 2) agree to a plea agreement on a lesser charge that would almost certainly include jail time and a felony on your record.
Everyone, including and especially the media, knows how terrible this looks. They will try and spin it and will convince their most steadfast zealots that this was "justice". Anyone willing to resist partisan polarity will agree that Hunter Biden was granted a sweetheart deal because of his last name and Donald Trump received far less grace because he's a political adversary.
Remember, there used to be a "for the good of the country" standard applied to such matters, but the Biden DOJ rejected national comity for "nobody is above the law" and whatever comes next (hopefully indictments for Hunter and Joe whenever the next Republican takes office).
The world keeps spinning, the ruling class laughs while Rome burns and peasants boil with frustration.
Joe Biden: slowly and agonizingly realizes he's pledging allegiance to India.
Conservatives need to get their shit together, because we're staring down the barrel of six more years of this fucking vegetable.
Ron DeSantis: has a Presidental punch list.
These are all good ideas and are eminently more important than wasting time slinging mud at other Republicans. Remember, you have a choice.
Yeah, I know there are layers of poetic irony to this story, but I can't make jokes here. By the time this blog gets published, we're likely to learn that the five people aboard that submarine have passed away.
Perhaps it was foolish to spend so much money on a pleasure-adventure, but these are human beings, with families and they likely suffered a horrific end to their lives.
It's tragic, not funny.
Joe Rogan: offered this 90's Disney villain 100k to debate RFK.
I listened to the entire Rogan/RFK interview and genuinely want someone to debate RFK and expose him as a conspiracy-mongering r*tard.
Why? Because I don't want to believe that our world is as sinister and cynical as RFK alleges. I don't want to believe that I put my children at risk by having them vaccinated according to the government-recommended schedules.
I hope that RFK is just an extremely well-researched kook, because the alternative is almost unbearable.
I genuinely don't know what InBev can do at this point. Drinking Bud Light has now been associated with something very specific and very polarizing. There is a large segment of the population (which probably consisted of Bud Light's most loyal consumers) that will not purchase their products.
The best move here might be to just turn into skid and go full gay. Just say you're a gay beer for gays and allies of gay people and hope that these traditionally non-domestic-beer drinking folx will purchase your product out of spite for conservatives.
National Review: received a new comment from Professor Jimbo on its YouTube Channel.
This would be endlessly entertaining. Two Gen-X tech-autists battling it out in a cage match where both parties are likely to do something to embarrass themselves.
I am definitely Team Elon, who would be representing Earth(?), over Team Zucc, who would be representing The Intergalactic Reptilian Empire.
Riley Gaines: nuked the president of the Human Rights Campaign.
More attempts should be made to bring these matters open for public debate and discussion.
The trans-activist community is rarely, if ever, forced to publicly debate and defend their insane, human logic and experience defying views. When they are forced talk about these issues outside of their liberal-ivory-class bubble, things go poorly for them.
You should read Jerry Thornton at Barstool.
Barstool: Friday Confessions
You should read Large at Barstool.
The Washington Free Beacon: Months Before Hunter Biden Plea, DOJ Touted Crackdown on Gun-Related Crimes
Conservatives should beat the Biden admin over the head with Hunter's plea deal any time Joe brings up gun law restrictions or enforcement of any kind. Will they be smart or disciplined enough to adapt this strategy? Almost certainly no.
Zero Hedge: "Part Of The Coverup": Gaetz Rips Durham For Failing To Investigate "Core" Of Russiagate
I am more sympathetic to Durham than most, but Gaetz is correct here - Durham didn't pursue everything he could have and should have.
This is the inherent problem with putting a long-serving member of the DOJ in charge of investigating the DOJ. The "investigation of the investigators" should not be conducted by someone who has relationships and history with the subject of the investigation.
Mueller's team wiped their cellphones. Durham didn't investigate. Durham probably knows Mueller and respects Mueller. Mueller is a legend to many in the DOJ. Durham was probably reticent to really poke places where he suspected it might destroy sacred cows.
Diogenes' Middle Finger: It Was The Plan All Along (Funny and well said.)
Animal Magnetism: The Bud Light Fiasco – Why Companies Go ‘Woke’
Thompson, blog: Pretension Is Not A Gender and The Words ‘Genie’ And ‘Bottle’ Come To Mind
You should really bookmark and make Thompson, blog part of your weekly reading diet.
The Other McCain: Detroit: Transgender Woman of Color Murdered During Pride Month and Slap on the Wrist for Hunter Biden
The fellas over at The Other McCain tackle an inconvenient truth about some of the Trans violence statistics.
The Most Libtarded Thing You'll See This Week:
Welcome to Hamtramck, Michigan, a place CNN celebrated as place "you can enjoy a sizzling Yemeni foul- a spicy bean stew - and flatbread for breakfast" after it inaugurated an entirely Muslim government!
Welcome to Hamtramck, Michigan, where the all-Muslim government just unanimously voted to restrict the flying of the pride flag (or any other religious, ethnic, or political group's flag) on public property! CNN now somberly reports that one local resident said the idea that all groups are represented by their national flag of origin is “patently false.”
It's genuinely heartbreaking (while also somewhat inspiring) that Americans identify with our flag less than a group of majority-immigrant citizens.
Maybe the forthcoming pendulum swing will create strange new allies and we can go about crushing these ideology together?
This is the voice of the silent, multi-cultural, majority.
Important News, BUT Sports
Is the pendulum swinging?
Wyndham Clark: is your 2023 U.S. Open Champion
Update: They're trying to cancel Wyndham Clark for liking Pro-Trump Tweets
Let's be real here. . . there was a 0% chance that a golf-playing, white dude named Wyndam WASN'T a Trump supporter.
It's a shame that I can't even share a funny baseball blooper without having to notice that the logos on TV broadcast are "pride-themed".
I vote for Hamtramck to get its own major-league franchise and free us from this rainbow and puke colored torture!
The Dodgers: honored Christian-mocking drag queens in the most sheepish way possible; made nobody happy; made everyone mad.
Basically, the Dodgers trotted out the drag queens right after the gates opened and honored them before an empty stadium. This upset the Alphabet Mafia.
Meanwhile, a pretty strong protest took place outside of the stadium. I'm pretty impressed by the strong Christian showing out in LaLa Land. If Clayton Kershaw wasn't a coward, he would've walked outside in his uniform and joined them in prayer.
Barstool: Steven Cheah's 2023 NBA Mock Draft
It's a sad day that the NBA Draft is tonight and I didn't know that until today.
It's sadder that some French dude named Wembanyama who is going to be drafted first overall, is supposed to be the next big star and I never heard of him until today.
It's saddest that I hate the NBA so much these days that I'm not sad about any of this at all.
I am happy that MJ is selling the Charlotte Hornets. He's a sociopathic competitor, but owning a sports team is not the same thing as competing in sports. This was never the right environment for him - he needs something less corporate and more forgiving of him bullying people to the point of tears.
Unrelated - MJ > LeBron and if you think otherwise, you're a legitimately stupid person.
Daily Mail: Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend Georgina Rodríguez flaunts her incredible figure in a green bikini
Fascinating. . . let's investigate!
Imagine being as sexy as Georgina Rodriguez and still being the second most attractive person in the relationship. That has to throw everyone's equilibrium off.
Who labeled her the 'Olivia Dunne of the Pool'?
Who anointed Olivia Dunne with her own "Paige Spiranac of" level status?
Actually, who is Olivia Dunne? Oh. . . right.
Whatever, Andreea Dragoi is very attractive. Good for her.
I don't like Jeff Bezos, but he does seem to be the most normal(?) out of the current class of billionaires. Instead of going full Elon-level-eccentric or full Dorsey-level-grunge. . . he just continues to malevolently destroying small businesses and hanging out with his silicone-silo'd senorita.
I'm not saying that I like him more than Elon, I don't - but I do have begrudging respect for a man who'd rather spend his time with a massively-Milker'd-Mexican-MILF than eating flies and molting, like Mark Zuckerberg.
This "alleged squirter" porn star paramour has gone supernova in her attacks against alleged soda addict and basketball superstar, Zion Williamson.
First she revealed that they had an affair. Then she said his dick was "trash" and that she had to "force" herself "to cum". Then she started calling him "fat asf" and shared that his bathroom was "was filled with soda bottles and cans".
This week, she threatened send his sex tape to the NBA, which. . . I'm not will accomplish anything, but I do think it's funny to envision Adam Silver watching Zion have sex.
Moreover, this "alleged squirter" side-piece called on the Pelicans to trade Zion and . . . it looks like they might actually trade him!
There are lessons to be learned here, but they're lessons that all athletes have, or should have, known for decades. Oh well! Let's hope these two kooky kids work things out!
I genuinely hate that Michael and Scotty are at this point in their relationship. These two are the greatest combo in sports history, changed the sports world and brought so much happiness into my life.
A son fucking an ex-wife is just a wild way for things to devolve.
Paige Spiranac: has her own bobblehead.
Hopefully she can wash the Milwaukee stink out of her hair. In case you were wondering, the smell of 'Milwaukee stink' consists of equal parts bratwurst, fart, and unwashed arm pit.
VERY Important Perfect Flappr Shirt for Your 4th of July BBQ!
So we have a merch shop. It's
I basically never promote our merch shop because I don't like selling things to people and I don't keep any of the (very little) money anyways.
I don't like asking people to shell out cash for shit they don't need, especially in a Joe Biden economy.
That being said, I was struck by the spark on inspiration last night and felt like I had to bring this idea through to fruition.
The design I landed on combined two of my passions in life: MILFs and Freedom. Let's investigate.
M.I.L.F. stands for "Man I Love Freedom" and there is a MILFy Lady Liberty. Get it?
What better way to celebrate our independence from the tyranny of those British cucks than to rock this shirt at your Fourth of July BBQ?
If you want to buy one, you can by visiting I never see a penny of the profits. @AmosFromWV is our honorary CFO and he ends up donating all of our proceeds to GoFundMes whenever one pops up in our community and beyond.
Flappr Blogs
While you're here, why not go subscribe to our YouTube Channel and enjoy some of our fine videos:
"Unrelated - MJ > LeBron and if you think otherwise, you're a legitimately stupid person."
You know who thinks LeBron is better than Jordan? David French
The new format for links and commentary is great. I approve.
Best part of my week.