So much to read, so little time.
Good thing for you, we've curated our own weekly digest of links from around the internet entitled "Tremendously Intriguing Topical Subjects" to help keep you abreast of the most important things happening online.
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VERY Important News
If there is one MILF that has mastered the art of internet thirst posting, it's Donna D'Errico. We first covered this 54 year old milktastic mother of two back in July of 2022, in our blog Bosomy Baywatch Beauty Bullied For Brandishing Bolt-Ons In Bikini. As you may have been able to discern from the title, Donna was subjected to online bullying from haters on Instagram for posting photos of herself being extremely hot in a patriotic bikini on Instagram.
You see, the haters and the losers (of which there are many) tried to shame Donna into deleting her post because she was "too old" for such behavior and her way to smash the trolls was to post photos of herself being extremely hot in a bikini on Instagram.
It worked!
Ever since then, I don't think a week goes by without some website, writing some article about how Donna is clapping back at trolls by posting photos of herself being extremely hot in a bikini on Instagram.
Literally, search Donna D'Errico in google, click the news tab and I almost guarantee you that you will find some website writing a blog about how Donna posted photos of herself being extremely hot in a bikini on Instagram.
Last week, it was Donna D'Errico flaunts her swimsuit body after she was shamed for sharing pinup poses!
What was it this week? Well apparently, believe it or not, Donna slammed some trolls and has gone "Full Fifty Shades Of Grey In New Bondage Post".
You have to respect this level of MILFdom. Donna looks absolutely stunning at age 54 and she knows that if she posts a photo her Bountiful Buoys of Saline Superiority in a bikini on Instagram, people will write about her.
Please keep on doing your thing, post those photos and get that that publicity, Ms. DD'Errico - we salute you!
More Very Important News
Diogenes' Middle Finger: A Good Monday Morning
The Other McCain: Rule 5 Sunday: Homeko
Abby Shapiro DESTROYS the "Wage Gap" Myth:
Important News
NBC News: Alec Baldwin to be charged with manslaughter in fatal shooting on the set of 'Rust,' DA says
The Washington Free Beacon: Photos Place Hunter Biden in Corvette at Site of Classified Docs in July 2017; Poll: Biden's Approval Rating Craters Amid Classified Docs Scandal
Washington Examiner: Dem threatens anyone plotting Biden challenge in 2024; Boy Meets World actor plans Congress bid to replace Schiff
The Other McCain: In The Mailbox: 01.18.23; ‘A Routine Traffic Stop’
Diogenes' Middle Finger: Sheila Be At It Again
Pirate's Cove: Lockdown Queen Jacinda Ardern To Resign
Important News, BUT Sports
Golf icon, Paige Spiranac, has launched her own website that is literally not an OnlyFans, but figuratively . . .
Glibertarians: Joemala: Episode 97
Woodsterman: Happy Skiparoo Thursday Morning
A View From The Beach: Thursday Tanlines
Whores and Ale: Maybe The Past Wasn’t Better
Daily Mail: George Santos denies 'false' claim he was a drag queen in Brazil, slams 'outrageous' media reports
Barstool: #TwerkTuesday!
Flappr Stuff
Flappr's 2022 Movie Of The Year
Flappr's 2022 Statistician Of The Year Award
Memeing The Gas Stove Ban
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